BTL 10

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Michael POV

Flashback Age 10

Michael, my boy come here. I want to show you something."

"Aww, dad you're home!" I went running down the stairs overjoyed to see my father. When I got down there. There was no one insight I wondered; was it just my imagination? I wish he could just stay home and not leave me. For the past two months, I have been living alone in this empty home... well, with the exception of the nannies and books to keep me company. But that was only for so long, today was to bring your parents to school day. I was excited to see and hear what other moms and dads had to say about what they did for a living, but when it was my turn, I already knew what to expect... nothing. Like last year and the year before that. He always never showed, he always was out on business. I would like to think if my mother were here she would be here, but I will never know. She died giving birth to me. I turned around to go back to my room but bumped into my father, which brought a big smile to my face and he had gifts too. One was a train set, the other was a race car set and two tickets to the fair. "Are you taking me to the fair?!" I was hoping he would say yes, he never spends that much time with me.

"How many tickets do you see in your hand?"

"Two" I said happily, yes! He's taking me to the fair. But just like that he snatches the other ticket out of my hand and ripped it in front of my face.

"Does that answer your question boy?"

⌛️Flashback Ended⌛️

"Wake up, wake up man !!!" I heard and felt someone shaking me awake, I opened my eyes to see one of my men looking frantic.

"What is it?"

"She's gone again! We looked everywhere, Sir we're sorry." That woke me right the hell up, I jumped to my feet to look for her. Impossible! This place is tightly secured how the hell did she get out? This is pissing me off... "Zaya, where are you come out now?" I got no answer from her. "Little girl we have a flight to catch in a few hours-" But something just told me to look in the closet and there she was in the corner wrapped up in a blanket and with two pillows. One with her sleeping on it and the other over her head. No wonder she couldn't hear anyone. I walked over to her and picked her up, I brought her from the closet to the bed hoping not to wake her.


"Shhhhh..." I said to him and waved him out of the bedroom. I quietly closed the door and crimped back in the bed without waking her up. I look at her sleeping face. I'm not gonna lie, I detest my behavior from yesterday. That's not who I am and will never be. I freaked out that afternoon when she yelled at me I was that fifteen year old boy again. And felt like I had something to prove which was nothing then and nothing now. I then move a piece of hair out of her face as she sighs softly, I smile to myself. Taking a mental picture of her beautiful face, thinking of a way to make her understand that I'm not here to hurt her.

Zaya P.O.V

🌄The Following Morning

"Zaya... Zayyyaa" I opened my eyes taking a deep breath, then looked at Blu who was already dressed and had a big smile on his face. "Time to get up, we gotta go." I nodded, not saying a word to him walking to the bathroom. Once I got out of the shower there was an outfit already laid out for me as usual. It was a long sleeve plaid peplum dress with a black thigh-high boots and black clutch. I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed, ready to go. I sat on the other side of the bed and waited.

"I'm sorry," I hear Blu say somberly before walking out of the door leaving me by my lonesome. I was so angry I could destroy this whole room, which is truly out of character for me. I never get so upset that I want to destroy and hurt everything in my sight. I had never had a man put his hands on me like that and surprisingly he didn't leave a mark. I sighed, looking out the window at the Vegas sky one last time, not knowing where my next destination will be. As I was thinking the door open, I didn't bother to look to see who it was, nor did I have anything to say, not that I wanted to talk to any of them.

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