Chapter 28

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"So where are we going?" I ask, glancing at his pretty face.

"I hope you don't mind but uh, I decided to play it safe and use a movie to help me out. We are going to have a picnic. Something like that field scene from Twilight" He explains and I nod, liking the idea of having a picnic in a field of beautiful flowers.

"Where will it be?"

"I found some place while I was talking a walk one day and I thought" He shrugs. "Why not? It's really pretty and I think you'll like it"

"I'm sure I'm going to like it. More so because it's similar to the scene from my favourite movie. Your lucky I'm not a fancy girl or I would have been pissed that you aren't taking me to some fancy restaurant where they ask you how cooked you want your steak" I snort and he laughs.

"That's good. If you weren't weird then I would have never approached you that day" He jokes and I hold a hand on my heart like he hurt me.

"Are you saying that just because I'm pregnant I'm weird!" I exclaim and he blushes a light pink color.

"No no. That's not what I meant. I meant that your weird as in you don't like everything that every single girl out there likes"

"So your saying I'm a she-man?" I fold my arms, teasing him.

"What no!" His blush turns a shade darker. "I'm just saying your-"

"I'm just playing with you, Alec. No need to get all flustered" I laugh. He glares at me and shakes his head.

"Don't play like that" He grumbles.

"Hey!" I say. "Relax. I was just messing with you"

"I know" He smiles again and I internally swoon. Those stupid butterflies are back and I'm getting a bit concerned for my baby girl. "You never told me what happened yesterday with you and Cole"

"Oh, he came usual" I roll my eyes and Alec mutters a typical. "I decided to also find out the gender of the baby" I considered telling him that Cole took me to his favourite spot afterwards then realised it isn't such a good idea. Especially more because he is taking me on a date and he would feel a little threatened by Cole and I don't want that. 

"Oh yeah?" I nod. "What is it? A boy?"

"No. It's a girl" I reply, grinning at the thought of my beautiful baby girl. I can't wait to finally meet. Just 3 more months to go and I'll be holding my baby in my arms.

"No way!" He snorts. "I can't imagine Cole holding a baby girl. Let alone his" I laugh, agreeing with him. It is a sight to look forward to.

"Yeah. Me neither" I laugh.

Alec pulls up in the parking lot of our town's park. Families have set up picnics with their kids laughing and running around on the playground with kids they probably just met. The sky is a beautiful blue with no clouds to filter it. The sun is out and shining upon their smiling kid's faces.

I watch with a soft smile as the kids chase each other around the swings,avoiding getting kicked on the head by the kids swinging.

One day that will be my daughter. Her laughter would boom with the other kids as she runs away.

Another random thought comes to mind. One of me sitting with Cole on one of the checked blankets,staring at each other with love and adoration in our eyes. We sit watching our daughter squeal, giggle and scream as she plays with kids she'll most likely never see again.

I quickly snap out of that thought and focus more on the present. I need to stop thinking about Cole that way. I like Alec and he likes me too. Cole doesn't. And he never will. I need to pay more attention on what's right in front of me instead of all these useless daydreams of mine.

We climb out the car and Alec moves to the trunk to take out a blanket and a picnic basket.

"I brought anything and everything because I wasn't sure what you liked or didn't like" He informs me as soon as we are seated and I've opened the basket filled with different kinds of sandwiches, juices and a few containers with pizza in them.

"Oh Alec" I laugh as he blushes a crimson color. "I would've loved anything besides sea food. I'm not a picky eater. More so because I'm pregnant"

He rubs the back of his head in embarrassment and lightly chuckles.

"Guess I just didn't want to ruin the date if I brought food you didn't like" He says.

"That's so sweet and considerate of you Alec. I really appreciate all of this. I've never had anyone do anything like this before. Thank you" I tell him,smiling in gratitude.

"Your welcome" He grins. "Now, it's time to pick your poison and lets dig in" He exclaims, clapping his hands before taking a chicken and mayo sandwich out the basket and a bottle of Sprite that I didn't notice was there.

I pick out a ham and cheese sandwich,a container of pizza and a Fanta out the basket and we begin our date.

Laughter, silly and dirty jokes,some serious content is shared during our picnic. During this whole time, I realise that I need to completely let go of Cole. He doesn't want or need me.

Alec does. And I want to be what he craves to see everyday. To be the one he calls when something is wrong or when he just needs to vent. To be the one he calls his.

I want to be with Alec and I will not let my feelings for Cole get in the way.

Not ever.

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