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"You had a miscarriage?" I gently ask her, feeling the heartbreak in my heart.

"Yeah" She whispers after her sobs have calmed down. "I had lost my virginity to Cole. I have always liked him. Since we were 11 years old.

A few days after I found out I was pregnant, I grew happy. I knew that the bond between me and Cole would strengthen by a mile due to us having a baby together.

I was upset that he did not want to tell his father but I understood why. He would have ended up exactly like this.

I didn't tell Cole that I had lost the baby. He only realised a few months after that my stomach was not growing. He didn't question me but he did distance himself from me.

Heartbroken, I became the girl you all grew to hate. Mindy Reeves, the girl who slept with anyone. A bitch. A bully.

That is not who I am. I use to be like you. Quiet and just going through life with no attention. Just like I liked it.

As soon as I slept with Cole, my life changed. I became a different person. When I saw you and Cole disappear in your room, I was reminded of myself. The old me"

"I'm sorry about the baby, Mindy. No woman deserves to go through that and your strong for going through it" I tell her.

"Thank you, Lucy. That means a lot to me" She smiles. "Is that...?" She trails of.

"Yeah" I say, looking down at my little bundle of joy.

"Can I pick her up?"

I nod. She gets up and gently scoops my baby in her arms. A look of sadness flashes on her face before it disappears. I feel for Mindy. Losing a baby must have taken a huge toll on her.

"She's beautiful, Lucy. Looks just like him" She whispers as she softly rubs her finger on my baby's cheek.

"Thank you" I mumble, blushing slightly.


Mindy leaves after an hour with the promise to text me. Our relationship has shifted from one of pure hatred and jealousy to one of understanding.

She practically forced me to hand her my phone so she can type in her number because she wants us to hang out. It's weird, I know but I'm willing to see where our relationship goes. In a non romantic way ofcourse.

I lay on the bed with our baby girl on Cole's chest, sleeping. I fed her before we moved to this position so she can rest in her father's arms, in some way.

Just as my eyes flutter close, a hoarse but familiar voice wakes me up.

"What the fuck?"

He... he's awake!

I cautiously scramble of the bed and gaze into the grey orbs in shock. "C-cole?" I whisper, unsure whether I've fallen asleep and dreaming about this like I always do.

"Sweetheart?" He says and I burst into sobs before gently crashing into his arms.

"I-I m-missed y-you" I cry. "I mi-missed y-you s-so much"

His hand raises to pat my back as he presses his lips on my scalp. "It's okay, I'm here now" He whispers.

Realisation sinks in and pull away from his missed embrace before scooping our awake daughter up and move her closer for Cole to see.

"Here's daddy baby. He's finally awake and you finally get to hear his voice again" I coo, moving the blanket away from her face.

Cole gently sits up with a groanbefore taking her from my arms. He stares at his daughter adoration and love. Tears stream down his face as he stares at his creation.

"She's so beautiful. What's her name?" He sobs.

"I haven't given her a name yet. I wanted you to name her since you missed her birth" I tell him.

He reluctantly removes his gaze from his daughter and stare at me in gratitude. "Thank you, Lucy. Thank you for waiting" He says. I nod before pecking him softly.


"Doesn't this count as cheating?" He teases after I pull away and I shake my head.

"No. Alec and I broke up"

"Oh. Why?" I can tell he is trying to hide his smirk behind his little 'sympathetic' look.


"It was a mutual decision. Alec said he doesn't like being the 'wedge' between us and I want what's best for him. I can't be with him while thinking of someone else" I explain.

"Oh" He smirks. "And who is that person you keep thinking of?"

"You. You jerk" I laugh before connecting our lips again.

I missed this. I missed him.

"She's really beautiful, Lucy. I can't even believe I made her?" Cole whispers, his knuckles softly stroking the baby's cheek.

"What do you want to name her?" I ask.

"Jasmine. Because she is my little princess Jasmine and I happen to like that princess" A laugh bubbles in my throat at his words.

Who knew that Cole Grey loves princes Jasmine. Or disney movies for that matter.

"Jasmine it is" I say, smiling at the cooing baby.

She yawns, causing her pacifier to fall out of her mouth. Just as Cole was about to put it back into her mouth, her gaze moves to him and she grins.

She makes a cute baby sound as she playfully squirms. "Hey, Jasmine" Cole laughs.

Soon, she falls asleep and Cole reluctantly gives her back to me so I can lay her into the hospital crib one of the nurses kindly brought for me.

"Can you pour me a glass of water?" Cole asks and I nod, already making my way to the water tank.

After handing him his cup of water, I pres the nurse button before calling everyone to the room.

Once everyone has arrived, the room is filled with soft laughter and a few teasing jokes from Cole and Alec.

If I had to go through everything again, I would. I definitely would because atleast I know I'll end up here.


Well that's a wrap! ☺ I was originally planning a better Epilogue but then I was like nahhhh. Let me let you guys imagine what happened after Cole woke up. 

(Ofcourse they end up together😉)

Thank you guys for reaching this far into the story. Sorry for the late updates. My excuse is my other story Venus. It really took most of my writing time because I got more positive responses there than here😳

So I guess this is the end of LB😚

Ps. If you havent checked out my other story. Go. Do. It. Now. I promise its nice. 🙄

Love yall
Fezikhumalo ❤❤

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