Chapter 11

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Chloe was tired. She spent all of Saturday in Paris, trying to get Hawkmoth's and Mayura's miraculous. Nathalie left hers with Gabriel, and he, stupidly, left it out in the open, on his dresser. She easily took that, and replaced them with fakes that her best friend let her use.

That wasn't even the worst part of the day. She had to listen to Adrien make plans about him getting Marinette back and getting her to apologize to Lila and getting her to date him. She thought that Marinette would rather date Damian than even being around him. So it was his delusions that were driving her crazy. She was glad that she could finally leave that place once and for all.

Then, on Sunday, her, Nino, and Marinette went to the park for some fresh air, only to find Damian and Jon there. So when Damian and Marinette looked at each other, she assumed that they started their arguing in public again. Chloe was just tired of it. She already wasted one of her three-day weekend dealing with the Agrestes, she didn't need those two fighting, again.

So she dragged Marinette out of the park, with Nino following. Sure, she used the 'locking them up in a room without a miraculous or weapon' excuse to get them to stop fighting, but she was actually going to do it. They drove her crazy every single day at school, so she was actually going to do it.

When they got home, she got his brother's phone numbers from Jon. She told them her plan, and they agreed to it. She smiled and got Nino in on the plan.


At around midnight, she went to Marinette's room. It was one of the nights where Marinette would go to sleep at around a normal time. She went in and got her. She and Nino went to their car, and put her in the car, on top of their laps. They drove all the way to the Wayne manor.

Once there, they went to a room where Damian's siblings, who weren't on patrol, were. They let her go into the room and put Marinette down on the couch.

In the room, there was a TV, desk, couch, and a bed. There were also security cameras, but they didn't need to know that.

Damian was sleeping on the bed. So they put Marinette on the couch, and Nino and Chloe stayed the night over there, too tired to go back to their apartment.


Everyone in the Wayne manor was up early to see the disaster that is Marinette and Damian. They all ate breakfast and went to a room where they could see everything that was on the security cameras.

When they looked on it, they saw Damian, laying down on the bed watching TV, with Marinette laying down on top of him. They were cuddling. WTF was happening? They went to rewind the footage.


Damian woke up first. He looked around the unfamiliar, familiar room. He groaned, and saw Marinette on the couch. He smiled and looked for some way out.


"Did he just smile? And at Mari?" Dick asked.

The others didn't believe it, so they rewinded the footage. Turns out he did, and they were just staring. They continued watching it in disbelief.


Damian noticed that Marinette didn't have her earrings or the ring with her, so we looked for something he could use to get out of there. He didn't find anything.

He just sighed, and went to watch some TV. Not wanting to wake up Marinette, he put on something, and turned down the volume so that it was loud enough for him to hear it and low enough so that it didn't wake her up.


Marinette was uncomfortable. Every time she changed the position she was in while she was sleeping, it just didn't feel right. So she woke up and saw that she was in an unfamiliar place.

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