Chapter 6

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When Katsuki woke up the next day, he realised he didn't see Todoroki that night. Thinking he probably just went back to his room, he decided to go to his room and wake him up. Upon realizing that his little peppermint-wait "his". When had Todoroki become "his"?

Not the point, when he realized that Shoto was not there he divided to check the bathroom not finding him there either. He decided to go on to class hoping to find him there. On his walk there he spotted Kirishima and Kaminari's and decide to catch up with them.

Once the group made it to the large door with the words: 2-A on it. When they walked inside, Bakubae couldn't spot Todo anywhere. He decided to sit down and stay calm. However, once he say down his right leg started shaking violently. He was on high alert, every time someone walked into the room he would look over to see if it was Canadian Flag.

It took about 40 more minutes after Catsuki showed up for Todoroki to show his face. When he showed up he walked in with that Shitty Deku. Bakugo was broke the pencil he was holding out of anger and envy. When Todoroki looked his way and smiled though, he calmed down only a bit. A bit later Aizawa came into the room and class began.

Once class has ended, Midoriya asked to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later Bakugo followed after him, ready to start an interrogation. When Izuku was done using the restroom, Katsuki was waiting for him outside of the stall.

Bakubro walked behind his childhood friend, pining him against the wall, and looked him into the eyes. (I swear this isn't a BakuDeku story. Please don't leave.) "Oi! Nerd! Why wasn't Todoroki in his dorm yesterday?!" Bakugo whisper shouted to stop it from echoing. " U-uhh? K-kacchan!? What are you doing? " Deku stuttered out shocked and confused.

"I'll ask one more time.Why. was. Icyhot. with. YOU!" Bakugo shouted, stepping forward and poking Deku's chest after every word. Deku was pushed to far back however and managed to fall, not before his head in the sink. Bakugo looked at the lifeless body on the ground and checked if he was still breathing.Thankfully he was.

As Bakugo was picking up Midoriya to bring him to Recovery Girl, Iida asked into the restroom. When the strict boy spotted the pair the look worried. He walked over to them as quickly as possible, and question what was going on. Bakugo needed to make up an excuse, and fast.

If word got out that he injured a student for stupid questions just because he was "worried", he could probably kiss his hero licence he worked so hard for goodbye. He came up with a excuse, even though it was a stupid one probably stupider than his first one with candy cane bitch.

" Bakugo? ", this caused the blonde to snap out of his daze and actually say his thoughts. "Uh.. Deku accidentally fainted somehow and hit his head." It was partially true, he did faint and hit his head. He just... let a few things off.

"Oh well that is extremely unfortunate, I hope h did ok. Let us carry him to Recovery Girl quickly." Just as Iida was about to help Bakugo, the pomeranian handed the unconscious boy to him. "Acutally how about you being him to Recovery Girl, and I'll inform Present Mic what happened." Bakugo suggested hoping that the one before him would go along with it. "Smart thinking.", and with that Iida carried Midoriya away leaving Katsuki behind.

It took a while for Baku to reach the classroom and explain the situation to the teacher. While it was happening all eyes were on him, even once he say down. Everyone was thinking the same thing as they watched, 'Just what did you do Bakugo'

When the end of the day rolled around and it was time to go back to the dorms, Bakugo got up and walked as fast as he could to his room. When Bakugo got there and sat on his bed he could only think of one thing.

How was he going to explain all of this in the end?

Don't expect this to happen again. I wanted to do something special, since you all are being very nice. :D

I hope you enjoyed this! Have an amazing day!

P.S.: The excuse Bakugo used was originally supposed to be that Deku accidentally flicked his finger while washing his hands and activated his quirk. Causing him to hit up against the wall then back to the sink. However, that was to many words and took up a lot of space, dragging the story on.

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