Chapter 15

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“What did I just do?” Bakugo thought to himself. 

He woke up the next morning confused on why Todoroki was so jittery, then he remembered. When it hit him what he said to Todoroki,  he had a massive gay panic. He just said what came to his mind first, and he was sleepy so he couldn’t even think straight at the time (Not like he could really anyway.) Now he was beet red, similar to Todoroki. He couldn’t focus at all due to his self-embarrassment. All he could really think of is how Todoroki probably feels about all of this. 

They walked in awkward silence to class, too scared to speak and mess their friendship up anymore than it already is. As they opened the door to the rest of the class, they separated as quickly as they could to avoid any further embarrassment. 

“Yo Bakubro!” Kirishima called out to Bakugo from afar. “What’s up, man?” The redhead asked. After Kisrishima asked that question Bakugo immediately thought back to previous events from the night before, making his cheeks glow a light pink. Mina looking at the two boys interacting noticed this rather quickly. 

“Ooooh, Bakugo is that a blush I see!” Mina shouted, making every look at the explosive blonde. “No! Fuck off, Raccon Eyes!” The blonde’s face was even redder now, not only from embarrassment but also anger. The blood was rushing to his face so much you could have thought he was drunk. It was horrible.

Just then, Todoroki got up quickly and headed to the bathroom, Bakugo noticed this, for his eyes were on the heterochromatic male as he was being teased by the now blurred voices. Bakugo got up, making everyone back away out of fright, scared he was going to go all boom boom on them. Bakugo however, despite their expectation, simply arose and left out the room with a slightly concerned face. 

When he left everyone was just left confused. They had never seen Bakugo act this way, it was new. However, Midoriya knew exactly what was going on. It had happened before in first grade, the second Kacchan looked at this kid he got all blushy and stuttering- he basically was a second Deku. It was odd behavior, but it was hilarious to Deku. The blonde never did tell the kid how he felt and soon the kid moved away. This made Bakugo so sad. It took weeks for him to be his normal cocky self again. 

With Bakugo, it was frantic. He was rushing down the halls trying his best not to run, as he looked everywhere for Todoroki. He looked in the Class-1B classroom, the bathroom, the teacher’s lounge, Recovery Girl’s office, and then finally outside. Todoroki was sitting down in the grass, tapping his feet to the sound of a nearby woodpecker. His heterochromatic hair out of order in a few places. 

When Todoroki heard steps coming his way, he quickly got to his feet and looked all around him to see who it was. Once he spotted Bakugo, he calmed down and continued doing what he was originally as he ushered the blonde to sit down beside him, to which the blonde complied. As Bakugo sat down, Todoroki shifted slightly to the side. For a while there was an awkward silence as the boys sorted out what to say.

“So, why did you leave?” Bakugo said, trying to start a conversation. “It was getting stuffy in there." Todoroki answered calmly, trying not to seem as jittery as he actually was. " The class was lonely without you." Bakugo mumbled, making the heterochromatic look up at him in disbelief. Todoroki was shocked the hot headed male would say something like that.

"What?" Bakugo asked, not understanding the reason Todoroki would be surprised. "Nothing." Todoroki said quickly as he looked down at the grass again.

How the hell was he supposed to converse normally after hearing that?

.....Maybe a confession will do the trick. Little Shoto.

Sorry for the long wait. I have testing coming up, so I was studying and getting ready for that.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day!

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