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---Caleb's POV---

After she left Dylan asked shit ton of questions.Until he got a call from her."What happened?"Then he hung up."I don't know what you did to her.But I don't think you're good for her."

"And you've known her for how long?A month?Maybe less?"He rolled his eyes at me and left.But I followed him.I looked at him.I watched him with her.Her!My blood started boiling inside me.She hugged him and then she told him.She told him.She told him that Leah died.Let's see how she'll react to what I'll say.

"Sophia!"She turned to me immediately."How do you feel?"She scoffed."You did it didn't you?"She came over at me and started hitting me."You killed her!You did this to her!Killing my parents is one thing but you killed my best friend!"

---Sophia's POV---

"How could you do this?!"I kept hitting and hitting but he just stood there.He didn't even flinch or moved an inch."Why did you do it?"I just couldn't anymore and I rested my head on his chest."Why did you do it?My parents gone is better for everyone.But she didn't deserve it."

"I did it because I wanted to."Then he turned around and left."Fuck you Caleb!Fuck you!"He walked into his car and drove away.He just left like he just killed a fly and not my best friend.In the meantime I saw Dylan crying on the ground.I fell on my knees next to him and we both cried together.

"Sophia I loved her."I looked into his eyes.They were screaming pain."I know.I loved her too."

For the following week me,Freya and Dylan dealed with her funeral.We stood by Freya.All of us barely ate anything.All three of us were like dead.We cried for a whole week.Tear after tear.There was no stopping it for any of us.We ditched school and every day a friend of her istopped by to say the same thing over and over again.

We're sorry for your loss.

One night I just had enough.After the funeral when everybody left I just cut myself once again.One cut after another.

I woke up a week later in the hospital with James and Jack in the room."What is going on?"I straighten myself up and stared at the two of them."I couldn't could I?I couldn't die!WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE?!WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE!?PAINFUL OR NOT!WHY CAN'T I JUST DIE?!"

"Sophia calm down!"But I didn't calm down.I cried and yelled.They tried to keep me down.They tried to keep me calm but I couldn't.Then nurse Jipsy came."Jipsy why can't I die?""It's not your time sweetie.It's not your time."She came over and hugged me as the boys left the room.

"I'm sorry about Leah.I really am.I came to the funeral the other week but...I left after I talked to Freya."I sniffed."I just want my life back.I wanna go back to the begining.Before the time my dad died.Because if he didn't die none of this would have happened.That bastard had to die!"

"Sophia I'm gonna ask you to do something probably difficult for you."I took a deep breath."What is it?""I need you to live for Leah.Like the Titanic.If you watched it you'll understand what I'm saying."

"I watched it."

"Rose wanted to die.Jack wanted to live.And at the end...Jack died for Rose and Rose lived for Jack."

"So you're saying I'm Rose and she's Jack?And that I should live for her?Jipsy as much as I want to I don't want a life without her.Jipsy she was my best friend.Ho-How am I supposed to go without her?She was my everything.The only person I took granted in my entire life."

"It's going to be hard.I know that.I can never imagine what you are going through.But come by and I can help you out.Talk to you.Anything you want."

"When can I leave?""You can leave whenever you desire honey."I nodded.She left the room and I started to change into my clothes.I put the shirt I took from Caleb into my bag and wore the ones I had in it.That's when I heard them talk.

"Is she ok now?Can we see her?"

"Boys she's fine.Just...give her time.She is hurting.She lost so many in this last month.But you guys better find who did this so that poor girl could sleep in peace.She's been through hell."

"W-We understand.Thank you miss."

I chuckled.It's very funny.People around me is dying and everybody thinks I'll break with a simple touch.When in reality I just want it to stop.I thought about what Jipsy said.Living for her.I want to.I just don't know how yet.

A few minutes later Dylan came in."How are you?""Dylan I need you to stay away from me."I sniffed."I'm sorry but you need to stay away from me.""Sophia you are the last thing I have of her.Please."I sobbed."I don't want to leave you either.Because you are the only piece I have of her too.But you need to stay away.Because if you don't I don't know how will I ever be able to cope with losing you too."

"That Caleb guy killed her too.First your parents.Then Leah.Let him come after me.I just want Leah back."I went over and hugged him."But you don't deserve to die.I do.I was stupid enough to trust him.I'm sorry Dylan but I need you to stay away from me for yourself."

I broke the hug."Go.""No Sophia please."

"Dylan go."


"DYLAN LEAVE!"He left.And I saw him run away crying.Then Narks came in since the door opened wide."How are you Sophia?How are you feeling?"

"You guys are the last people I wanna see on this earth right now.Get out of my sight."I left the hospital.As I was waiting for my cab to arrive I checked the keys in my bag.The ones that Elijah was trying to get his hands on.They were still there.

I went to the storge place and took those files and USB drive.I told the cab driver to drive to Caleb's house.I knocked on the door.He answered."Came here to yell at me more?"

I took a lighter from my back pocket.I burned the files.Then threw them to the ground."Oh and one more thing."I took the USB drive and broke it in half."There you go."I put my middle finger to his face and got into the cab that I came here with."Drive."Then I went home.

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