Chapter 22

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"What are you doing here?" Damian said, with a slightly confused look on his face as he stepped of off his boat and onto the dock. 

"I'm showing Gabriel around," Delia said pointing at the man who stood beside her. 

Damian's gaze immediately went to Gabriel and gave him a quick wave as a smile formed on his face, "Hey Gabriel." He said giving a small nod. "So you guys are checking out the docks?" 

"Yeah, we are," Delia said as she walked over to Damian. 

"Well, then she shouldn't be your guide." Damian said, turning to Gabriel, "She knows nothing about the docks." He added pointing to her. "I mean you guys are lucky that you ran into me." 

Delia shook her head smiling as she placed her hands on her hips, "Gee Damian, what would I do without you?" She said in a monotone voice. 

Damian chuckled as he placed a hand on her back, "I honestly wouldn't know dear." He then turned to Gabriel, letting go of Delia, "Now let me give you a proper tour." He said as he walked over to Gabriel and started walking away from Delia. "Are you coming?" added looking over his shoulder at Delia. 

Once more Delia shook her head as if to say, 'This boy...' Before she followed the two men. 

With half an ear she listened to Damian rambling on about everything he knew about the docks and the area. Delia herself, however, was getting quite distracted, her attention turning to the water... Somehow she didn't feel as safe standing on the docks as before. Now if she accidentally fell in, it wouldn't really end well...

As she looked back up at the two men she noticed that they were getting further and further away from her. The two of them walking at a faster pace than her. Her first reaction was to run to catch up with them, but remembering just how slippery the docks could become, she decided against it. 

Instead, she continued at her normal pace, I mean they would wait for her right?

Continuing to follow the two men she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Getting it out she noticed that she had received several texts from Olivia, who was clearly getting ready to test the 'tail' as she put it. 

Delia sighed, before texting her back with the question, 'What is the plan?' 

As she was about to put her phone away, however, she bumped into someone, for she wasn't exactly paying attention. At that moment she felt herself walking into someone and two hands being placed on her shoulder to stabilize her. 

"Wow, careful." She heard Gabriel say with a chuckle. 

Looking up she looked right into his bright green eyes, their bodies almost touching as he still held her shoulders. He smiled down at her, holding her for a moment more before letting go of her. 

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Delia said, trying to get her brain to function right, "I wasn't paying attention. 

"I think that part was clear." Damian piped up from their right. 

Delia glared at him, causing the two men to laugh. 

"It's alright." Gabriel said placing a hand on her shoulder, "Your friend here actually knowns quite a lot about the docks and harbour." 

"I said I was a good guide didn't' I?" Damian said, a smug smile very much apparent on his face.

"You may have mentioned it," Delia said, crossing her arms. She then turned her attention back to Gabriel, "So do you think you've learned a few things about the area?" She asked him. 

Gabriel chuckled, "One or two things yeah." 

"Good," Delia said. She was about to say something more when her phone started ringing. Grabbing it from her pocket she looked at the screen and noticed that it was Olivia. Clicking the call away she returned her attention to Gabriel, "Uh..." She started but didn't quite know how to continue. 

"I had fun this afternoon," Gabriel said, those green eyes captivating her like they always did, "I gotta go soon, but maybe we can hang out sometime?" 

Delia nodded, "Thank sounds like fun." She said not quite sure what else to say. 

"You guys can join me on a trip on my boat." He said, this time to both Delia and Gabriel. 

So much for a romantic date for two... Delia thought as she turned to see Damian happily nodding, "That does sound like fun." He said. 

The three of them continued talking for a moment before they walked back to the aquarium and Gabriel went on his way. Damian and Delia waved as Delia started walking to her car again. 

"So I didn't know you had a date?" Damian said catching up with her. 

"I wouldn't exactly call it a date." She said rummaging for her purse. 

"Well, I wouldn't exactly not call it a date," Damian replied, smirking at her. When she didn't reply straight away he added, "Oh come on tell me more? What did you guys do? How did this happen?" 

Delia chuckled, "Well..." She started stopping right by her car, "I ran into him whilst doing uh... groceries and he asked me how I was and then he asked me if I could show him around because he's new. So we had lunch, I showed him around and then we ran into you." She finished.

"Ah..." Damian said, "Sounds a little like a date doesn't it?"

Delia sighed, "I don't know... But I gotta go Olivia needs me." 

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Damian said as he started walking back to his boat.

"Bye!" Delia yelled as she got into her car. 

Let's find out what Olivia had in mind...

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