Chapter 11

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It was only an hour after she'd first heard the news that Delia was sitting next to Janet's hospital bed. At first, she had worried about the severity of her injuries, but once she heard that Janet could leave the hospital the day after tomorrow she had been relieved. She still looked rather worse for wear however, with a broken arm, black eye, cuts and probably a concussion. 

For a while, the two of them talked, both about the incident and just some general other topics. It had been once they reached the topic of work that Janet had asked Delia if she could take over that night's closing shift. 

Delia had hesitated for a moment, thinking about what had happened the night before. Janet saw the apprehension on her face and assured her that there would be extra security as well. After thinking it over for a moment Delia agreed to help her boss, and friend out. 

When Janet's husband and children arrived at the hospital, Delia left to go to her classes. After which she directly went to the aquarium. 

After she had put on her uniform and dropped her personal belongings in the locker room she started making her way over to the ticket booth. By that time the aquarium was just closing up for today and she knew that it was the end of Ricky's shift. 

"Hey!" She greeted Ricky as she sat down on the empty chair next to her. 

"Hi!" Ricky replied, "I'm just looking out of the system and closing the registry, give me a sec." 

"Sure." Delia replied, looking around the, now empty, entrance area. 

"Okay, I'm done." Ricky said turning to Delia, "How are ya?" 

"I'm good, I went to see Janet this morning." 

"How is she?" Ricky asked, the expression on her face turning worried. 

"Beaten up, but she got to leave the hospital this afternoon."

"I just can't believe this happened." Ricky said shaking her head, "I just don't understand why." 

"Me neither." Delia sighed as the two of them got up. "But I do hope they catch the guys soon..." 

"Yeah me too. Do you know who's closing up tonight?" Ricky asked. 

Delia nodded, "I am." 

"What!?" Ricky exclaimed stopping them in their tracks. "You're not serious!"

"There will be extra security tonight, plus what are the chances of this happening again?" Delia replied with a soft smile, "I'll be fine." 

"I still don't like this," Ricky said as they walked over to the locker room. 

Once Ricky had left Delia turned her attention to Janet her work schedule. Now she wasn't qualified to do all the things that Janet had to do, but the ones she could do she did. And by the time she'd finished those tasks, the aquarium was nearly empty. The only people in the building were her and two from security. 

By now she was making her way around the building checking if the doors were locked and the lights were off. Seeing as the building was nearly empty most of the lights were already off. That was except two, one laboratory and the 'View into the Ocean' exhibit. 

She sighed before starting to walk to those locations, starting with the latter. When she got there she noticed that all the lights were out but one. The one pointing into the water. 

For a moment she stared out into the water, trying to spot the green thing that she had seen so many times now. But this time, however, she didn't see it. Waiting a little longer she decided that there was truly nothing out there. Shrugging it off she turned to leave the room when she saw something from the corner of her eye. 

Quickly she turned, and she could have sworn she saw the green thing moving away. 'What the hell is that...' She thought to herself as she switched off the light and left the room. 

Turning into the hallway she started walking towards the laboratory. As she rounded the first corner she started hearing a voice. Startled she stopped in her tracks, silently trying to figure out the source. Her heart slammed in her chest as she heard the voice and footsteps come closer. 

As the person whom they belonged to rounded the corner, Delia completely froze, panic rising. 

"Wow, are you alright?" Kevin, the security guard asked, with furrowed brows. 

Relief washed over her, "Thank god it's you." She managed to get out as she placed a hand on her chest. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya." He said rubbing his neck. 

"I know... It's just I'm a little on edge." 

"Yeah I get that." He replied. 

"Why are you here?" 

"We saw something move on one of the cameras, so I went to check it out. But I'm guessing that we saw you." He replied calmly. "Are you nearly done with everything?" 

"Ah that makes sense," She said nodding, "Well I need to turn off the lights in one of the laboratories, but after that, I'm gonna head home." 

"Alright, just remember to swing by the security before you leave." He said as he started making his way back.

Delia sighed before moving to continue her walk over to the laboratory. Once she reached her destination she noticed that the door of the lab was still open a tiny bit. Confused she made her way over to it and carefully pushed the door open further. She took a quick look around the room to make sure she was alone before entering. 

When she determined that she was alone she made her way over to the light switch. Quickly she turned off the lights to leave the room when her eye caught something. Turning around she noticed a glowing orb laying the table. Captivated by it she started moving towards it, her eyes not leaving the object. 

The orb emitted a soft white light that almost seemed to pulsate and deliberately draw her in. Entranced she moved her hand towards the item and when her fingers just about graced it a loud noise emitted from behind her. 

Unknown Depths.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin