Part 13-Forgiveness

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I had a good afternoon with my parents and since Darren knew about the pregnancy, I felt the need to tell them. Neither were surprised given who the father is, but Dad was still a little disappointed. He had hoped we have done things biblically, especially Darren is the son of a preacher. "Do his parents even know anything about this?" He asked.

"I don't know. His parents haven't spoken to him since the whole thing with Angie came out. And I haven't said anything. Amy might have, but I don't know."

"Speaking of Angie," Dad continued. "Did you two ever once consider her feelings? She is his wife."

"Dad, they're married, yes, but not together. She is still with Amir. Always has been. The baby she just had last night is Amir's baby, not Darren's. She has no interest in Darren."

Dad rubbed his eyes like he was tired. "Let me get this straight if I can. You are saying that Darren is married to Angie, but Angie is with Amir and Darren is with you. Yes?"


"Why on earth did they get married then?"

"Her dad forced it. He didn't want her with Amir."

"So, all y'all decided that it was better to live your lives out in adulterous relationships to appease the Governor rather than fight for what was right?"

Okay that stung. I hadn't put it in that perspective before. "Well, when you put it like that..."

"Y'all need Jesus." He huffed. I dropped my head in shame. Nothing I could do now; the damage is done. I hated seeing the disappointment in his face. I screwed up and I couldn't even blame the devil for it. He reached across the table and took my hand. "I love you, my sweet Erin. Always and forever. No matter what. Let's pray and give this mess to the Lord. He's the only that can fix this."

Yeah, I disappointed my parents, but they reassured me I hadn't been disowned and that we would get through it together. It felt good to pray with them, I felt a big weight lift off my shoulders. I had their forgiveness, I had Amy's forgiveness, I needed Darren's. And probably his parents'.

But first, I went by the hospital to visit Angie and her newborn son. I knocked lightly at her room and walked in without waiting for a greeting. I heard voices arguing in the room, so hung back behind the privacy curtain. The first voice I recognized as the grandmother I had met earlier. "Are you even listening to yourself, son?! Clearly this child is not her husband's."

"I don't care!" the male voice bellowed. The Governor, I assumed. "He'll claim it as his and that's the end of it! Where is the sumbitch anyway?"

"Why don't you annul this sham of a marriage and let your daughter be with the one she loves?"

"No child of mine will be hooked up with a friggen snake charmer!!" Oh my god, he said that?? What a pig.

"Being in a loveless marriage is a better alternative?? How do plan on explaining how your very white daughter and her equally white husband managed to produce such a dark brown baby?"

"I won't have to."

"Oh, so you think no one will notice?"

"Accidents happen. Ever hear of SIDS?"

"Daddy, please stop." I could hear the tears in Angie's voice. I figured it was time to shut them all up.

I pulled the curtain back a bit and stepped in. The grandmother saw me first, then Angie. "Hey!! I'm so glad you came to see me."

"Hey." I waved nervously and stepped closer. "I came to see how you were doing and I was also hoping to meet your son."

"Who the hell are you?" Demanded the man.

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