comfort method

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i found this amino, i did NOT come up with this method. 

this is one of my personal favorites (my favorites are the raven, estelle and comfort methods). this method requires a bit of visualizing. if you're not good at visualizing (i'm def not haha), i recommend seeing specific pictures in your mind or feeling the vibe of whatever your trying to visualize. i hope that made sense.

okay, i customize this method a bit because it works better for me that way. so i'm gonna put the directions of how the creator said to do this method, the the way i do it. this is the creator's way:

note: you will be your cr self until i say otherwise. also, do whatever you need throughout this method to feel comforted, that's the whole point of the method.

- meditate. you don't have to, put i recommend that you do. just be in a peaceful/calm mindset.

- listen to subliminals or theta (6 hz) waves. you can find a bunch of different waves on atmosphere on the app store. it lets you build your own sound. and it has a piano track that i like to use with the piano method. anyways, moving on.

- visualize the door/entrance to a room or place you'll spend a lot of time in. walk though the entrance and start counting to 100. you'll see an important person from your dr in the room you walked in. 

- sit or lay down with them. tell them about your day in your cr. rant to them, or just talk to them. do whatever you need to feel comforted. 

- eventually, you'll reach 100 when counting. at that point, the person fro your dr will say something like "it's time to go home" and will lead you to your dr bedroom. you'll see your dr self sleeping in your dr bed. walk over to lay and lay down exactly where they're laying. it'll be like you'll be laying in their body. totally random, but if you've seen the disney movie hercules, you'll know how meg dies (sorry if i spoiled it) and hercules goes to the underworld to get her soul. when he gets back to meg's body, he lays her soul into her body. your cr self is meg's soul and your dr body is meg's body. so pretty much, just lay in your dr body and become them. 

- the person from you dr will tell you details about your dr self. then, they'll leave your dr room. repeat affirmations in your head and fall asleep. you should wake up in your dr.

^that's how the creator said to do it, but i like to modify it a little. this is how i, personally do the comfort method. context: i'm shifting to hogwarts to be with draco malfoy. 

- meditate

- listen to subliminals or calming harry potter music, usually harry potter music.

- visualize the entrance to the slytherin common room, which is a bare stone wall and when you say the password, it opens up to reveal a passageway to the common room. the password is pureblood becasue it's easy to remember. before y'all come at me in the comments, i'm actually a slytherin. i took the pottermore test so don't you dare try me.

- i walk into the common room (as my cr self) where my friend group is sitting by the fireplace. i sit on the couch next to blaise, draco, scarlett and sophie (people i made up bc i'm not about to be friends with pug face). i talk about my cr day, rant, whatever. i don't count because i can't focus on counting and somethig else bc i'm too lazy. i'm actually really good at multi tasking. wow, i'm getting really off topic a lot today. whatever

-eventually, draco tells me it's time to go home and he leads me to my dorm. i lay in my dr body and draco and i cuddle with my dr cat because COMFORT(my cat's name is mr. dinkles because trolls was such a good movie, i don't care if it was a kids movie, it was good).

- we fall asleep and i wake up in my dr.

okay, that's it. sorry not sorry about getting off topic so much, it seemed important at the time haha. good luck angel bitches, you'll shift soon. love you guysss

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