estelle method

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- meditate or get it relaxed with a clear mind.

- put in some headphones and get into a comfortable position. you can be sitting or laying down.

- play a song that you can slow dance to. i recommend: 

          o children by nick cave and the bad seeds (this one makes me cry)

          waves by dean lewis

          my tears are becoming a sea by M83

- picture your dr significant other, best friend or anyone from your dr asking you for a dance.

- visualize the two of you alone in a room from your dr. focus on just the two of you.

- when the song is over, see the person you were dancing with saying "it's time for you to go home now". see them opening a door for you. 

- behind the door is a bright white light. take a step into that light.

- one you've been engulfed in it, repeat affirmations in your head (ex. i am shifting, i have the ability to shift, i'm going home, i am focused)

- at one point, you should feel like your falling, stay focused. your vision will go completely white, your ears may start ringing and other symptoms may occur. keep repeating affirmations as you fall.

- your vision will eventually go black. open your eyes and you should be in your desired reality

don't be upset if you aren't successful the first time. shifting takes time.

good luck angels<3

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