That's Not Tweety Pie Part 2

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I don't think it registers with me that we crashed until I feel Danny shaking me. My ears ring as I open my eyes, instantly closing my right one when I feel something enter it, blinding that eye. I curse, wiping away the blood that seems to be coming from a cut on my eyebrow. Wincing I allow Danny to help me up before we rush back to the car, the sudden stoppage having made us go flying ahead of it. I gasp as I notice the large tree branch that has gone through the windscreen and into the car.

Running forwards, I pull the drivers side door open as Danny attends to the girls, asking if they're okay. I hear concerned mumbles for Connor as my eyes focus on the unconscious man. "Connor, Connor speak to me." I try shaking him but he doesn't answer, I move his face towards me and sigh in relief as I see his chest rise and fall. "Connor!" Just as Abby reaches me I hear the now familiar yet haunting cry of that damned bird. "It's coming back." I hear Danny confirm all our fears as he pulls Abby away, me turning as well to face him but still not making a move to leave Connor.

"You three get back to the house, it's the only place we might be safe." He must realise Abby isn't really paying attention, too concerned for Connor, since he shakes her slightly. "Abby! We can never outrun it. I promise I'll look after him, now go!" Both Abby and Sarah run off in the direction of the house, Danny sighing as he turns and realises I'm not moving. "I'm guessing there's no point in arguing?" He asks moving next to me as I try to move Connor, "wait. I have an idea." He stops me, moving me away before closing Connor's door. I watch him run around the car, grabbing the toeing cable after discarding his suit jacket. "Get in that tree." He nods his head at the tree behind me, making me turn to see a couple higher up branches that could support me. "What, why?" I realise the randomness of his request making me swing back around to ask him. "Just do it." Sighing I try to get a foot hold on the bark, only to curse when I bring my leg up on the tree and then stand on the material of my dress.

"For God's sake." I curse jumping back down, having had enough with this particular item of clothing. "And this is why I don't wear dresses at work." I frustratedly mumble to myself, pulling the material up and over me, leaving me in my shorts and bra. I hear Danny clear his throat making me turn to him annoyed, "I honestly don't care if this makes you uncomfortable. I'd rather be naked, and embarrassed, than dead." His eyes widen for a second before he chuckles at me, making a remark about my confident and sarcastic pose as I have both hands on my hips. "Fair enough." He looks away as I turn back to the tree, determined. "You may have won the battle, but you're gonna lose the war." I tell it as I begin my climb, finding it so much easier without that dress.

Getting to one of the lower branches that are still high enough to be safe, I huff as I swing my leg over it, pulling myself up and onto the rough limb. It rubs harshly against my bare legs, my denim shorts doing little to protect me from the bark. Now, as the adrenaline begins to waver, I feel pain start to encroach upon me as the cold does as well.

Rubbing my hands against my upper arms, I eye the suit blazer Danny discarded on the bonnet of the car. "Hey, Danny. If you're not gonna wear it, then can you throw me that jacket?" I ask, him quickly complying allowing me to easily catch it and shrug it on, enjoying the warmth it exudes from being on a warm car bonnet. Danny joins me minutes later, him sitting on a branch on a tree next to mine. I stay silent, every so often checking on Connor to make sure he's alright as I go about slowly wiping at the cut above my eyebrow with the sleeve of Danny's blazer, wincing now and then at the stinging pain. Eventually the blood stops flowing too much; head cuts always bleed for longer in my experience. Hearing the car door opening, I look to where Connor should be laying, letting out a small exhale of shock when I see him standing there trying to see if anyone is with him.

"Close the door quietly." Danny speaks up as Connor goes to close the car door, now looking comedically confused and alarmed. "Where are you?" I would have chuckled at his expression if it wasn't such an inappropriate time. "Up here, Connor." I call to him as he looks up shocked to see both of us in trees. He looks at me both bemused and concerned, "um, Mia?" He gestures to the fact I am no longer wearing a dress and that he can clearly see my bra. Blushing again involuntarily and pulling Danny's jacket more around me, I roll my eyes waving it off. "Something about 'would rather be naked than dead.'" Danny shrugs making me wish I had a conker or something to throw at him.

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