House In The Woods Part 2

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Opening my eyes groggily I wince as a sharp pain shoots through me up to the back of my head.

Putting my hand to the sore part of my head I cringe when I pull it back to find the warm slick of blood on it.

Looking up I only just notice that it probably wasn't me who woke myself up but Abby and Connor who are hovering over me not to sure on what to do.

"Mia, are you okay?" Abby sits next to me on the stairs looking me over and turning my head slightly to analyse the back of it.

"I must've fallen." I answer not clearly remembering anything in this woozy state.

Connor helps me up as Abby is still checking me over.

"Ahh!" I sit back down again as the world starts spinning and my brain wobbles in my skull.

"What happened?" Abby questions now in front of me while Connor helps me down onto the stairs.

"I-I was upstairs looking around again when I heard a shuffling in the walls. I went into the bedroom and then...I can't remember after that." Frowning deeply. What happened to me?

Little flashes of memories beat against my skull wanting to get out but for the life of me I can't decipher them.

"We should get you to a doctor." Against my better judgement I nod along with Connors proposition knowing it's for the best.

"Alright, Connor you stay here but outside while I take her."

Getting out of the house causes me to let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding.

By the time we get to the hospital I feel a lot better and luckily we don't spend much time there.

The doctor cleans up my wound and applies antiseptic making my hair smell funny.

While leaving the hospital I turn to Abby, "don't tell Becker."

She smirks at me. "On a first name basis now, are we?" She teases causing me to huff.

"Please." I give her my puppy dog eyes seeing her melt away under my gaze.

"Alright! Come on, let's go." We head back to the house in silence. Me with a banging headache and Abby worrying about Connor doesn't allow much room for a conversation.

Just as we get back to the house Abby gets a call from someone.

Putting the phone to her ear it doesn't take long for her to groan in annoyance before huffing out a reply.

"It's Connor. He has gone and gotten himself arrested." She deadpans making me chuckle slightly but then wince as the ache in my head increases.

"You go and get him. I'll stay here."

"Are you sure?" She wants to go, I can tell, but also doesn't want to leave me alone.

Rolling my eyes, "yes, go! I'll be fine." I assure her while lightly pushing her towards her car.

Sighing she nods.

"See you soon." She says before getting in and taking off obviously anxious to get Connor out of the slammer.

Before I know it the sky becomes dark and the sounds of natures nightlife start to grace my ears.

Following a path I walk up and down trying to satisfy my bored self.

It's not long before I hear the ringing of a bike bell followed by a little girl in a red coat and backpack revealing herself.

She doesn't seem to notice me as she goes past not once glancing in my direction.

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