Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Three years later....

“Ellie are you sure you’re going to be okay living on your own?” Eric asked as he put the last of the boxes into the apartment he was paying for.

“Yes dad for the fourth time, I’m eighteen now I’m not a baby!” She hissed.

It wasn’t like it was any different to living at home, she never saw either of her parents and had to cook for herself all of the time anyway. She started to open the boxes and put things away.

“Okay well I’ll be leaving then,” He told her, standing up and attempting to get through the maze of boxes and bags.

“Oh no you don’t, you can help me unpack!” She shouted, making him stop and turn around.

He huffed loudly and started to open boxes and put things away. She smirked at him, she still had him exactly where she wanted him, around her little finger.

After hours of unpacking, she finally let her dad go home, even though she was only half way through them. She was tired so she decided to go to bed and carry on with the rest when she got up. She undressed and slipped into bed with a yawn.

“Ellie,” a voice whispered.

She groaned and rolled over to turn the lamp on, and screamed when she saw him sitting on top of one of her boxes.

“You didn’t forget our appointment now did you?” He asked with a smirk.

She hadn’t seen him since she was fifteen, but he hadn’t changed he was still as beautiful as ever. He jumped off the box and walked towards the bed, and she instinctively pulled the covers up around herself.

“What is that?” he hissed.

Ellie looked down and grinned at the cross she had around her neck, her mother had bought it for her for her birthday. Clearly Lucifer didn’t like crucifixes she thought as she watched him back away ever so slightly.

“Oh come on surely you know that story. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the three wisemen, is it ringing any bells?” She mocked.

Lucifer glared at her leaned forward ripping the cross from her neck and putting it in his pocket. She froze she thought he would melt or something the way he had reacted when he saw it.

“I’m aware of who he is, he’s nothing but a whining little shit. Oh look at me I can turn water into wine, big deal.” He snarled.

Ellie couldn’t stop that laugh that came out of her mouth, she had no idea why she was laughing at him, he’d come for her soul and it wasn’t like he was just borrowing it, it more than likely meant she was going to die.

“What is God like?” she asked out of curiosity, if she was going to die she would at least like to do so knowing the answer to a question that so many people desperately wanted to know.

“You think I’m sadistic he’s as bad.”

“So what you’re saying is you’re nicer than god?” She asked in confusion.

It was Lucifers turn to laugh that time, “Oh no what a horrible word, I’m evil through and through baby.”

“Prove it,” she snapped.

Lucifer smirked at her, there was nothing he liked more than a challenge, he looked at her then vanished. Before she had time to register where he had gone he was back.

“Done,” he said as he lay on her bed next to her.

She looked over at him expectantly, and he chuckled “”

As soon as he said one Ellie’s phone rang, she gulped and answered it, it was her mother and she was hysterical, she was screaming and crying down the phone.

“Mom?” Ellie aksed giving Lucifer a worried look as he smirked.

“Your dads dead!” She screamed at her.

Ellie dropped the phone and looked over at Lucifer, “You killed my dad?” She screamed.

“Nah he’s still alive it’s just a simple mind trick.” He told her.

She couldn’t listen to anymore, couldn’t handle how strange this encounter was becoming. She jumped off the bed and started to pace around before stopping and turning to face him.

“Hurry up and kill me then!” she ordered.

Lucifer erupted into another round of laughter and when he had finished he looked at her with a smirk, “Darling who said anything about killing you.”

She huffed at him, he was the one who said he wanted her soul, she was about to argue with him when she suddenly found herself back on the bed, and underneath him. Her mind seemed to haze over as he kissed her neck and licked her shoulder gently before biting down hard.

The sudden shock of it snapped her from the daze she had been in and she screamed in agony. She let out a whimper as he licked over the bite marks he had left and kissed back around to her neck, he moved up and looked straight into her eyes, his once blue eyes were now red and filled with desire.

“You bit me,” she murmured.

“I claimed you actually, that makes you mine for eternity.” He smirked and before she could answer he captured her lips in a kiss.

She actually enjoyed the feel of his soft lips on hers and moaned into the kiss, but then it was cold and he was gone again.

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