Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When Lucifer arrived back in hell it was in total chaos, he rolled his eyes and walked to this throne sitting down on it and surveying the damage the demons had caused. He couldn’t leave the place for five minutes without it descending into complete and utter carnage.

“Silence!” he roared sick of the amount of noise.

His demon guards looked towards him, they hadn’t even noticed he had returned and immediately bowed down to him. Lucifer beckoned one of them to him and he came and knelt in front of him

“Your highness, the demons have rebelled!” he told him, his voice shaking.

Lucifer threw his head back and laughed, “Bring the girls to me, and sort this mess out now!” he demanded.

The guard nodded his head and rushed off in the direction of the southern level where Lucifer’s mistresses resided. He relaxed back into his throne and waved his hand over a pit that was in front of his throne, it erupted into a fire, the flames glowing. When he waved his hand over it, again he could see the scenes of disruption that were happening in his kingdom.

“Malpa!” he shouted to one of his guards.

The guard came over to where Lucifer was sitting and bowed down to him, “What is the meaning of this?” he asked pointing at the scenes that were playing out in the pit in front of him.

“The demons have gone on strike,” he explained with a grimace.

Lucifer raised his eyebrows, he was furious that he had been disobeyed in such a way, “For what reason?”

Malpa looked away, he was frightened by the look of anger on Lucifer’s face, he cleared his throat and prepared himself for what could possibly be his last words, “They say you have gone soft, that you have taken up with a human girl.”

Lucifer smirked at him, “They think I have gone soft?”

Malpa nodded then quickly continued, “I don’t believe you have gone soft master, I told them you wouldn’t take up with a human girl its ridiculous.”

“Is it, well that’s very noble of you, but they would be right I have found my mate your queen and she is human,” he told him.

Malpa couldn’t hide the look of disgust that washed across his features a look that didn’t go unnoticed by Lucifer, “Have you got a problem with that?”

Malpa shook his head, “No master!”

“I want the demons brought to me immediately!” he ordered, he watched in amusement as Malpa ran away clearly thankful that he was still in one piece.

Lucifer looked up and saw his mistresses walking towards him looking far from impressed; obviously, they had heard the rumours of the devil mating with a human girl. The women all knelt down in front of him, as did the guard that had brought them along.

“You are all to leave my quarters immediately, when I come back it will be with your queen your services are no longer required,” he told them.

He smirked at the looks of shock, disgust and anger they exchanged. One of them stood and glared at him, “So it’s true then, you have a measly human for a mate?”

There were two things Lucifer hated, one of them was being challenged by anyone and another was anyone speaking of Ellie in such a way, human she may be but not for long and once she arrived in hell, she would have power that would surpass anything they could do.

“Come here,” he demanded.

The woman walked towards him and when she stood in front of him he grabbed her by the hair and sucked the life from her, the other women and the guard gasped as he threw the limp, drained body of his former mistress onto the fire.

“Now does anyone else have a problem?” he asked looking at them all.

When none of them spoke, he nodded in approval, now he just had to deal with the guards that seemed to believe he had gone soft. He was going to show them, he clicked his finger and motioned to the guard to get rid of the women.

Malpa entered the throne room with the other guards; he could see from their faces that they were now in fear of him. It was too late for them to suddenly remember how powerful he was there time was up, no one questioned his power. The room darkened and the flames of the fire died out plunging the room into complete darkness. The demon guards looked around frantically none of them could see him, but could feel his presence could feel the anger building.

One by one, he took them out, killing them brutally. They cowered in fear as he tore through them, ripping their hearts out and crushing them in his hands. When the fire pit erupted back into flames malpa was sickened to see the demons with their eyes and hearts gouged out.

“Now I suggest you go back and you inform anyone else that believes I have gone soft that I am back and if anyone else wishes to question my abilities then they will suffer the same fate.” He informed him.

Ellie was sitting on her sofa watching the television when the door knocked. She jumped up startled by the erratic knocking; she rushed to the door and ripped it open. There stood in front of her was Gabriel looking worried.

“Gabriel what are you doing here?” she asked slightly worried that any second now Lucifer could appear in front of them.

“Smash every mirror in this house, he can’t enter your home if he has no gateway,” he told her.

Ellie looked away guiltily she was embarrassed that she actually wanted Lucifer to come back, and that a part of her enjoyed his company. How could she tell God’s right hand man that she had feelings for the most evil thing to exist?

“He would find another way,” she told him hoping that he would change his mind about smashing the mirrors.

Gabriel shook his head, God had told him that was Lucifer’s way of entering into the world, but without a mirror in her house, he would have to be summoned by someone else in order for him to pass through. When he saw she was making no attempts to smash then he proceeded to smash them himself.

When he had destroyed every mirror he could find he smiled, pleased that he had finally got rid of him now all he had to do was bless the house that way no evil could ever pass through into it again. Ellie grabbed her handbag when he wasn’t looking and pulled the compact mirror from it placing it in her pocket.


Lucifer waved his hand over the fire pit again, this time the scene he saw angered him so much that his eyes turned an angry red and his paced around like some caged animal. Malpa watched him in confusion, he had seen his master angry but this was beyond that. He looked over at the pit and immediately realised why, it was Gabriel and he was with Ellie.

“He’s broken all of the mirrors!” he roared.

Malpa looked into the fire and watched as Ellie grabbed a compact mirror from her bag before Gabriel saw and put it into her pocket.

“No master she has a mirror, she has it in her pocket.” Malpa told him.

Lucifer turned around and looked over at the fire, he watched as Gabriel blessed the house then left. He watched her as she pulled out the little mirror and placed it on the table, and then she did something that shocked him to the core.

She took the little mirror and opened it, “I’m sorry,” she whispered, before she smashed it and threw it into the bin.

Lucifer’s anger could be felt all throughout hell as volcanoes erupted and rivers ran red with blood. Lucifer looked over at Malpa who was cowering in fear.

“Go to earth, kill the innocents, make it known to him that if it’s a war he wanted he has it!” he roared.

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