Little UnFair

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(an: drama drama drama)
Third POV

"Come on Jungkookie!" Jimin squealed while dragging the taller around the city fair. Jimin always loved the idea of going to the fair. He found it super romantic while Jungkook on the other hand thought they were meant for kids. "Can we get popcorn?" Jimin asked excitedly. "Anything you want baby." Jungkook grinned and kissed the smallers nose.

He decided to take a seat on a bench while waiting for Jimin to get back with their snacks. Jimin giggled and went to get the popcorn for the both of them. There were people everywhere. It would be very easy to get lost or even trampled. He was looking for a popcorn stand but all he could find was funnel cake.

He finally came across one that had popcorn but it was on the far end of the fair. It would take forever to get back to Jungkook, but he wanted this popcorn. He was waiting in line when two tall men started walking towards him. They wore all black and black mask with black sunglasses. "Um hi?" Jimin said awkwardly. He was getting scared because he was so far from the one person he knew would save him. Always.

"Come with us." The man said with little to no emotion. "No what the fuck? Go away." Jimin scoffed and shooed them with his hand. "We wanted to do this the easy way but you give us no choice." They grabbed Jimin by his arms and instantly covered his mouth. No one around him seemed to notice with how crowed it was. Everyone had their own problems.

His muffled screams were being drowned out by talking and game sounds. "Jung-Mm!" He yelled. They dragged him towards a dark alley next to the fair. The men dropped Jimin on the ground roughly knocking the air out of him. "Why are you doing this?" He said out of breath while panting. "Stay away from Jeon Jungkook." One man said before kicking the blonde hard in the stomach. The other grabbed a hand full of the blonde hair and smashed his head against the ground.

There was blood spilling from his head and mouth. They took turns hitting the poor boy until he was unconscious. Jimin didn't wake up for another 3 hours. When his eyes finally started opening he was still laying on the cold wet alley ground. He rubbed his temples because his head was pounding.

Figuring he probably had a concussion. He was moving but it hurt so bad. All he wanted was Jungkook. But the fair had already closed for the night and he didn't know how to get home. Jimin took his phone out and saw he had 46 missed calls from Jungkook and 14 missed texts. He immediately called him back.

It didn't even ring once fully before Jungkook picked up. "Jimin! Where the fuck are you?" The older yelled. "Jungkook..." Jimin started to cry because just hearing Jungkooks voice was comforting. "Baby where are you?" Jungkook asked again. "An a-alley next to the f-fair. Come qu-quickly please." Jimin sniffled and Jungkook ran out the door with his keys in hand.

"I'm on my way. Don't move." He said unaware of Jimins current state. "I won't." Jimin responded. He knows very well that when Jungkook finds out someone hurt him all hell will break loose. Jimin just sat against one on the buildings helping to create the alley.

Jimin POV

"Ow." I tried to move my arm so it would be more comfortable but that was nearly impossible. I think when they threw me down I must have bruised it. I waited for 5 minutes until I saw bright headlights pulling into the alley. I could only hope and pray that it was Jungkook. If it's anyone else I'm as good as dead. I can barely move.

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