Little Forgiveness

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Third POV

The next morning Jungkook had work and he couldn't skip it today.

"Jimin~" He whispered as he shakes the younger.

"Jiminie~" He sang a little louder.

"Baby~" He whined loudly. Jimins eyes fluttered open with a wide smile on he face.

"Daddy!" Jimin jumped up and tackled the taller.

"Good morning Daddy!" They laughed and cuddled on the bed for a few minutes.

"Baby." Jimin hummed in response.

"Daddy has work so can you be big for me today?" Jungkook asked. He couldn't leave Jimin alone if he was little. Jimin pouted at the thought of Jungkook leaving him all day. He hated being away from him.

"Okay." Jimin frowned again.

"Thank you cutie." Jungkook kissed his nose and smiled. He still can't believe he gets to date this cute little thing. Every time he looks at Jimin his heart flutters.

"Minnie really wants daddy to stay." Jimin said giving the best puppy dog eyes he could. In hopes Jungkook would say yes.

"Baby~" The older cooed as he caressed the blondes cheek softly.

"You know I can't. I promise I'll be home soon. Please stay big for me." Jimin nodded and Jungkook got ready for work. Jimin was sad he'd be alone all day so he thought maybe he could call Jin over. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number.

"Jiminie! I missed you baby!" Jin yelled as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Jin Hyung! I miss you too!" Jimin yelled back.

"How's Jungkook?" Just as Jimin was going to answer he was cut off by a loud gasp.

"Why didn't you tell me you two were dating?! What am I chopped liver now?!" The mad scolded.

"I'm sorry Jin Hyung it slipped my mind." Jimin chuckled and the two continued to catch up.

"I was wondering if you're free to come over today?" Jimin asked hesitantly. He never really invited people over but Jin used to live there so this would be fine.

"Actually Jimin me and Joonie are going to the doctors today." Jin explained.

"Doctor why?" Jimin questioned in a confused.

"Well I was gonna tell you when we knew for certain, but I think... I'm p-pregnant." Jin said shyly.

"PREGNANT! That's amazing!" Jimin screamed into the phone making Jungkook come running out.

"Who's pregnant?!" The older asked with a concerned look on his face.

"JIN HYUNG!" Jimin yelled again.

"Yah! I have ears you know!" Jin scolded the younger.

"Sorry Jin Hyung I'm just so excited!" Jimin explained with a wide smile.

"Well go get to the doctor! Give me a baby!" Jimin yelled making both of the older boys laugh.

"Bye baby." Jin said sweetly.

"Hey only I call him that!" Jungkook said defensively making both the boys laugh.

"Bye Jin Hyung!" Jimin hung up the phone.

"Him and Joonie Hyung are having a baby Jungkook." Jimin could feel his tears coming.

"Jimin don't cry. I need to go to work and if I see you cry, you know I won't be able to leave. So please." Jungkook begged and Jimin nodded but still pouted.

"Why didn't you call me baby? You said Jimin." The blond asked sadly.

"Baby I just know that makes you wanna be little. I gotta go bye cutie. I love you so much!" He yelled on his way out of the door. Jimin sighed deeply. He already missed him.

Jimin POV

I sat on the couch and watched whatever was on TV. I watched like two movies and I'm already bored. Jungkook doesn't get home for another five hours. What am I supposed to do with five hours? I decided to make myself a sandwich for lunch. I went to the kitchen grab the knife, the bread, some mayo, some cheese, a little ham. After I made my sandwich I sat and ate it. What a boring day. I honestly don't know what else to do.

After some long contemplation I thought that cleaning the house would be a nice little gift for Jungkook. I went to my room and grabbed the AirPods that Jungkook got me. I connected them and turned on my favorite BTS playlist. I started with the kitchen cleaning up my mess from my sandwich. I did the dishes and wiped down all the counters.

Then I cleaned up the living room, folded all the blankets and vacuumed. I cleaned my room and made sure me and Jungkooks room was nice as well. I cleaned the bathroom and mopped and swept the entire house. I honestly had a fun time cleaning.

Now that all of that was done I looked at the clock I only had two more hours until Jungkook. I had to do a double take, TWO HOURS! I miss him so much. I just want to cuddle him and hug him and kiss him. Ah I'm getting sensitive. I cannot slip into my little space. I need to get my mind off of how much I miss my boyfriend.

Just as I was about to head to my room and probably watch YouTube in my bed I heard a knock on the door. Well it's not Jungkook because he has a key. It's not Jin Hyung or Joonie Hyung because they're at the doctor. And I know it's not Taehyung because he well... hates me. I take a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle. I'm scared. I just need to take a deep breath. I need to calm down. I'm going to slip. That's the last thing that I need.

When I opened the door the last person I expected to be there was Jungkooks mother. My eyes widened and my mouth was left wide open, no words were coming out. I didn't know what to do or what to say so I tried closing the door, but she yelled.

"Wait!" She gave a weak smile and I didn't close the door. I don't know what to do. Last time she was about to kill me.

"Yes?" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Jimin I know I've not been the nicest but I want a chance to apologize." She said softly.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should be apologizing to your son." I huffed.

"I know. I know. I tried but he won't even talk to me. I know that if I make things right with you, he'll listen to you. I just want my son back. It was in the heat of the moment and I didn't exactly mean everything I said. I want to take the chance to get to know you and to get to know my son a little more. I feel like over the years there's been a disconnect with us. I wanna be a part of your lives and support you and Jungkook." She smiled fondly and went in for a hug.


Just got back from cheer and was inspired! 😊 Comment and Vote please!
Thank you for the suggestions :)

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