🎃 Perfect Pumpkins 🎃

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💜Thank you to my amazing beta, friend and soulmate, @MapleSuga2 !!! I couldn't do this without you mama and I wouldn't want to! BORAHAE!!!💜

Hoseok froze, standing there with his mouth agape...

The man was speaking Korean! He recognized the dialect as Daegu.

He excitedly approached the stand and greeted him.

"Annyeong Haseyo!"

The man turned quickly, with a surprised look on his face and Hoseok bowed.

Hoseok and the man chatted excitedly in Korean for a moment, before switching to English, out of respect to Y/N.

"This is my girlfriend, Y/N...Y/N, this is Yoongi-ssi. His parents bought the farm two years ago from the original owners!"

"You can call me hyung, honorifics aren't necessary, Hoseok.", Yoongi said cheerfully.

Yoongi stepped out of the building and walked over to Y/N. His adorable gummy smile was warm and welcoming as he extended his hand to her and she shook it.

"Damn, are all Korean men handsome?!?", she thought to herself.

Yoongi was a bit shorter than Hoseok with a fairer complexion, his cat-like eyes disappeared almost completely when he smiled. His hair was a surprising mint green shade that reminded Y/N of the yummy macaron cookies that her grandma used to make.

"It's nice to meet you, Yoongi!"

"Likewise, Y/N! Love your flower crown, by the way!"

Y/N reached up to gently finger one of the flower's soft petals and blushed.

"Oh...t-thank you, Yoongi."

Hoseok took Y/N's hand and gave it a loving squeeze. When she smiled up at him, he swore his heart stopped beating for a second. The sound of Yoongi's voice broke him out of his reverie.

"So are you guys here to do some pumpkin picking today?"

"Yup! Hoseok has never carved a pumpkin before so I'm going to teach him!"

"Yeah, my first Halloween here was very exciting too!", Yoongi mused.

"How long have you lived here, hyung?"

"My family and I came here seven years ago from Daegu. My appa had traveled here on business once and fell in love with the area, so the first chance we got, we packed up and moved here! My parents wanted a simpler life so we bought the small farm next door and that's how we became friends with Mr. and Mrs. Adams, the former owners. When they were getting ready to retire, they offered to sell this place to my parents and they jumped at it! After that, my brother and his family bought our farm and moved here as well!"

"My family and I used to come here every year, we love this place!", Y/N said excitedly.

"Well, I hope you will continue to visit us! Maybe you can come back another day and I can show you our animals too!"

"That sounds amazing, hyung! We'd love that! Right, angel?"


As if on cue, an adorable chocolate, brown poodle came racing towards them, yipping excitedly! Yoongi smiled widely and squatted down to him. The pup launched himself into his arms, whining and covering his face in wet kisses. He giggled as he tried to pull away but the dog just climbed higher!

Y/N felt as if her face would surely split from smiling so hard at the heart melting sight!

"Yah!!! Okay, boy, okay!!"

Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя