🌞Brighter than the Sun🌞

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As much as Hoseok wanted to know what Y/N meant, he made sure she ate first. He smiled as her eyes closed, obviously enjoying the food he prepared. As she chewed, happily humming to herself, It occurred to him that if she let him, he would do this for her every morning. Fuck, he'd go to the ends of the earth just to see her smile!

After breakfast was over, they did the dishes together then and Y/N brewed a pot of her favorite, triple chocolate coffee. Sean had always scoffed at it, saying that there were too many calories in it and if she switched to black that it would aid in her weight loss. The day after he left her, she made a bee line to the grocery store and bought enough to stock her cabinet full with it! Her first tiny step in reclaiming her life. A silent middle finger, if you will...Fuck you, Sean!!!

Y/N brought two mugs back to the table and they both sat down. Her tiny hands wrapped around the steaming mug and inhaled the enticing scent. She blew gently across the surface to cool it somewhat, then brought it up to her lips for a sip.

Hoseok took a sip as well as he patiently waited for Y/N to speak. He had a feeling that whatever it was that she was going to tell him was difficult for her to talk about...

Y/N sat quiet for a second, she wasn't one that liked to look back on her past with her ex but if she and Hoseok were going to go forward with this relationship, she wanted to be totally honest with him. She didn't want any secrets between them.

"Well, I used to be a very confident girl. I embraced my curves as just part of who I was. But over the years that I was with Sean..."

Hoseok saw a look of sadness settle across her face and he quickly reached for her hand across the table. Y/N smiled a little as he gently squeezed it reassuringly. She took a deep breath and continued.

"...well, he would always criticize my food choices, make little jokes about my weight and call me degrading nicknames. I guess after a while I started to b-believe it."

Hoseok could feel his blood boiling! What kind of a fucking person treats someone they claim to love that way?!? Y/N was beautiful, inside and out...her body was perfect in his eyes and had been a continuous source of torment to his aching cock. He couldn't keep his mind or his hands off her! When the time was right he planned on worshiping every delicious inch of it!

"But when I stepped out of the bathroom and saw the way you were looking at me, I could see the lust in your eyes. You wanted me, just as I am."

He patted his lap and beckoned her to him.

"Y/N, come here, please..."

His deep voice sent shivers down her spine. She walked over to him and he pulled her down onto his lap. He cupped her face in his hands and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Angel...listen to me. That guy was a fucking idiot! You are perfect from head to toe. You're so sexy! God, your body drives me crazy! I promise that I will treat you like the princess you are...my beautiful princess."

Y/N could feel her eyes fill up with tears. This man was too good to be true. She ran her hand through his shining ebony locks. Hoseok leaned into her touch and sighed.

"Jung Hoseok...you make it hard not to fall for you."

"Then fall angel, I promise...I'll be there to catch you."

So fall she did, right into his arms. Hoseok placed gentle kisses on her closed eyelids, her cheeks and finally her lips. She sighed into the kiss and in that exact moment is when she surrendered her heart to him...

Suddenly the back door that led to the kitchen flew open...

"I'm back bitches! Did you- HOLY FUCK!"

There stood Y/N's best friend Steph with her jaw hanging down to the floor...speechless.

Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat