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Belial had listen to Vaggie's protest of having a bar in the hotel but a loud bang made her pause in her drink. Angel shouts at Vaggie that they are keeping the bar and Husk. She moves to the left side of the bar as Angel moves to the front with a flirtatious grin. "Hey~" Husk cringes as he moves away from him. He tells him to fuck himself but Angel saw it as an 'invitation'. Before Husk could curse at him further, Charlie greets the demon with a blinding smile. "-You are going to love it here!" Charlie declares. Husk simply looks at the princess then chugs from his bottle, "I lost the ability to love years ago." 

Finishing her drink, Belial thanks the bartender. Husk looks at her with furrow brows - a thanks from a powerful being like her. "So, what do you think?" Alastor asks. Charlie praises the radio demon with glee in her voice. Belial chuckles softly, at least her niece is happy. "Its...okay." Vaggie adds, still not trusting the radio demon still. Alastor let out a hearty laugh as he pull the girls close to him. "This is going to be very entertaining!" He declares. Suddenly, Belial hear music from the radio demon. Her sense tell her to move quickly. Husk watches Belial sped away from her spot to catch Vaggie in her arms when Alastor pushes her away from him and Charlie. 

The moth demon thanks the woman. Belial look around in confusion when hearing lively jazz music playing. She turns to Alastor's direction to hear him sing. "Oh, another musical person." She concludes in silent. Holding Vaggie's shoulder, Belial heard static come closer. Alastor bends down as he continues to sing. Vaggie glares at the man with her face turning red. He snap his fingers as Belial felt lighter. 

Everyone else has their clothes change to style of the thirties including Belial. Belial blinks at this sudden change, wandering around in confusion. She wore a long black dress with a straight across neckline with an a-style skirt. Over her dress is a black free-flowing coat with black gloves. The bun of her hair loosen to her hair fall on her shoulders. "Why do I hear trumpets?" She thought to herself. Pulling away from the group, Alastor pulls the group together as shadows appear around. He grabs Belial's right hand to spin her close to him. Alastor moves her next to Charlie who was distracted by a shadow playing the drums. 

"Every demon is a lost cause~" Alastor sung as he moves past Husk and Angel. He adds a giant hat and fox scarf on Vaggie then slap her behind. "With a great big smile!" The shadows sung with him as Alastor walks away cheerfully. One of the shadows guides Belial away from Charlie, dancing with her in the process. At the same time, Alastor spun Charlie then moves her away to her friends. The shadow dance Belial towards Alastor to let him catch her in his arms. Belial held his hands as they dance close to the door. 

"Spend a little time down in the Hazbin Ho-" 


The front door flew from the doorway by a loud explosion. It flew towards the happy Nifty. Alastor blink once to see Belial disappear from her spot to appear in front of the small demon. A loud bang echoes throughout the lobby as the palm of her left hand stop the door in its place. The door fell on its back in front of Belial. Their clothes change back to normal since the magic is gone. "Are you okay, kiddo?" Belial turns her head to the side to Nifty's direction. "Yep! Wow, you are really fast!" She comments with a giggle. Alastor grins at the sight. Belial clap her hands together to brush away any dust on her hands. She moves towards the door to go outside. "Now then, let me wring the bastard's neck." She announces with a grin but her eyes glow brightly. 

No one messes with her Pup. 

Alastor tilts his head to the side, grinning at the thought of seeing Belial tearing her opponent into pieces. In front of the hotel is a giant metal blimp. The person who operates this machine reveals himself to be Sir Pentious with a grin. "Well, well, look who it is - the striped freak and the sunglasses fool! We meet again, Alastor and Belial!" He said, not noticing Belial's horns grew longer as her teeth grew sharper. "Do I know you?" Alastor replies, feigning confusion. Belial hisses under her breath. 

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