Present for Charlie!

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It has been years since she last visit the Magne Manor. Sadly, she couldn't visit her family out of a whim as her job requires her attention. Belial with a few demons by her side, she had to create some form of order in Hell. She acts as Lucifer's second when dealing with pesky demons who want to harm her family or stop complete destruction in Hell when two powers clash. Belial doesn't mind as her job keeps her in top shape. 

Her blindness is hidden behind her now signature round sunglasses. Due to her sunglasses being worn all the time, Belial laugh at the rumors that is circulating in Hell. Her favorite ones would be looking into her eyes anyone will turn into stone, having laser eyes, taking a demon's soul into the void, and many more. She doesn't really care about the rumors since it keeps weaker demons away from her. The ones who are most daring would face her monstrous power. Either way, it is a win for her.  

Through the years of blindness, she got use to her heighten senses. To heighten her senses further, Belial uses her power to help her in fighting. With this power, it gives her a faint outline of her environment and even a person's life force. The outline varies in color based on a person's personality. Exposing her power for years led her to permanently show her black demon horns and demon tail. Belial doesn't mind as she can't see anymore. 

Belial carries a red present bag in her arms. She can't visit her niece without a present. Just as she promised, Belial would spoil her niece to no end with attention and presents. Approaching the Magne Manor, she greets the guards with a smile. Walking past the front door, her ears caught the sound of laughter and fast footsteps. "AUNT BEL!" Charlie shouts out, charging at the woman. Belial opens her arms and caught the five year old Charlie in her left arm, balancing the present in her other hand. 

"Hahaha! Happy to see me, Pup?" 

"I miss you, Aunt Bel. It is so quiet and lonely here." Charlie replies, wrapping her arms around Belial's neck. "...Everyone is so busy." She whispers which caught Belial's ears.


"It's fine because you are here! Oh! We can play so many games!" Charlie happily lists what games they can play today. She stops when seeing a present in Belial's hands. "What is that?" Charlie asks. Belial chuckles at Charlie's curiosity then gently put down Charlie on the floor. She kneels down in front of the girl, holding the present to her. "Here you go! Open it!" Belial felt Charlie take the present then rip off the red present wrap to lift the lid. 

Belial heard Charlie gasp in surprise. The girl lifts Belial's present out of the box. Two demon goat plush toys wearing a black suit with a cute red bow around their necks. The twin goats have red fur, black and red demon horns, and yellow eyes with red irises. Charlie held the twin plush toys in her arms, squealing. "I love them! Thank you, Aunt Bel!" Charlie move to hug Belial tightly. 

"I'm glad you love them! Now then, what names are you going to give your friends?" 

"...Umm....Oh! Razzle and Dazzle!" 

Belial chuckles at her cute niece's reply. She shares Lucifer's love for music. The woman picks up Charlie in her arms then walks towards Charlie's room. 

"Let's play a few games together with Razzle and Dazzle!"

"Yay! Let's play hide and seek!" 


"...So, tell me if I am correct. You bring Razzle and Dazzle to life?"

"Of course, Bel! My sweet apple is so lonely these days. To solve this problem, I made friends for her!" 

"...You mean bodyguards?"

"That too!" 

Lucifer watch his sister's hand made contact with her face. The smile on his face still remains. "Is there something wrong, Bel?" He asks. Belial shakes her head, "No, nothing is wrong." She would like to ask her brother if she can spend more time with her niece but she can ask him another time. 


She visit her niece again as she has a free day today. She played with Charlie and her new goat friends for the whole day. The sound of fluttering wings caught her ears which tells her that Razzle and Dazzle are close to her. One of them let out a happy chirp. "I know, I know." Belial lift up her right hand and instantly Dazzle fly under her hand for a pet. Holding Charlie in her left arm, Belial carries her niece to her bedroom for a much needed nap. 

Razzle and Dazzle follows the woman to arrive in Charlie's bedroom. Belial quietly pulls back the blanket on Charlie's bed to tuck her niece in bed. Charlie let out a yawn as her head made contact with her pillow. Covering Charlie's body with the blanket, Belial pets the top of her head. 

"Sleep well, Pup." 

"Aunt Bel...are you coming to my birthday party?" 

"You bet! I wouldn't miss your party for anything in the world!" 

"I'm glad...I don't know if Mama and Papa will come." 

"Pup, your parents will be there. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll punch them to the deepest level in Hell." 

Charlie's lips turns into a soft smile. Razzle and Dazzle move to prepare Charlie to sleep. Belial moves to the door then leaves the bedroom with the door closed behind her. She walks down the halls, thinking to herself. She wonders what kind of present should she bring for her darling niece. 

Suddenly, a thought comes to mind. Belial snap her fingers with a smile on her face. "That's it! I'll just visit the living world and bring something from there!" She declares, "...Although, it has been years since I visit above ground. Let's see how much humans change." Belial wonders how long she arrived in the land of the living. Her tail moves side to side as she begins to think. 

"...Last time I was on Earth is when Adam was kicked out from the Garden of Eden. Geeze, I feel old when I said that out loud. No matter, I can fit in easily!" 

With determination, Belial prepares for her trip to the living world. She should visit the country of America since many demons would tell stories about the place. 


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