47. Best Brother

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Ethan's POV
I smiled looking at the phone. Yes, I smiled not because my phone is amazing but because , the person it keeps me connected to, is my love, my Madison.

No matter how busy or sad I am, anything related to Madison puts me in a good mood. I still am facing a hard time believing that I'm getting married to a person whom I absolutely adore.

I don't know but, do all the people face this weird ticklish sensation when they're talking to their wives or husbands before getting married? I mean, I don't know whether this sensation will last forever, but I surely feel it right now.

It's like, I know that Madison is on the other side of the phone and yet I am excited as if I will be talking to her after a long time. I don't know how this woman makes me blush without even trying. Seriously, my ears and face are all heated up and my heart is beating so fast.

"Hello" she said.

"I love you" I replied, automatically.

"You do?" she asked chuckling a bit.

"Nope, that was for the air I'm breathing, not you" I said controlling my laugh.

"Then what do you want?" she said and I knew she got irritated. I smiled at her cuteness.

"Well, I want ten thousand kisses, thirty thousand makeouts and ninety thousand-"  I said but she stopped in the middle.

"Oh Lord! Calm down, you're literally scaring me with those numbers" she said and I chuckled.

"You get scared so easily Madison. Imagine how much I'm going to scare you when you'll start living with me" I said laughing.

"I'll file a case against you in court" she said.

"Oh really?" I asked in a playful tone.

"Yeah and the judge of that court will be your dad" I said giving a devilish chuckle.

"That's mean" he said pouting.

"Oh, and scaring me isn't?" she asked.

I chuckled a bit and said "If scaring means making you come and sit on my lap, then i'll do it without any regret"

"Wow, that is cool dude!" a girl said, who was clearly not Madison.

I stopped a little and then assumed her to be Brooklyn, maybe she took the phone from Madison.

"Thank you" I said smiling

"Hello, brother-in-law, don't mind but I'm going to steal your girl for the next few days, after that she's all yours" she said.

"Oh that's alright. But dear sister-in-law, please tell Madison that the very first thing I said, was for her only" I said because all my love confessions are now meant for her.

Brook chuckled and said "Code word talking, huh?"

I hummed.

"As you wish sir! Goodbye" she said.

"Bye Brook" I said and kept the call.

I turned around and suddenly met Theodore standing a few yards away from me. As his presence was very unexpected, I got extremely terrified finding him there.

"Geez man! You scared me!" I said keeping my hand on my chest.

"Did you ask her?" Theodore asked bluntly.

"Huh?" I said as I was all blank.

"ETHAN! COME ON!" Theo shouted getting angry.

"I told you to ask her, if she has got her wedding gown or not! You didn't ask her, did you?" he said going away.

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