17. Too formal?

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Above picture is Madison's morning jersey.

Madison's POV
I wasn't in a mood to go to the office. Say, I was tired or just not nice enough to work for a manwhore.

I still think that I'm over reacting, that I was expecting too much from him. When I always knew what kind of a person he is.

He was cheating on his girlfriend and I want him not to hangout with girls when he was not even my boyfriend?

These kind of thoughts make me feel like I should start behaving normal again. But just when I think about it, my brain takes me back to that point where I saw him with a girl.

And once again my mind changes!

David has gone home and I don't want to take his support anymore. Because he too, is no less than a douche.

I wasn't naive that I couldn't really understand what were his motives. But one thing really makes me a bit confused is that how did he got to know what happened between me and Ethan?

Only Jaxon knew about it because I told him to come.

Well, after I became emotionally stable, I asked David to leave. No matter how much I need someone, even in my worst nightmares it won't be him.

So, it's been almost a week to that incident. I spent the entire week with Jaxon and Sasha, my office friend.

Lush wasn't in town so she couldn't really come to meet me but she said that she would come soon.

The misunderstanding that was created due to Ethan, between us was cleared. She realised that I was right.

I don't understand why I'm not able to implement the same for myself. 

I asked my best friend to stay away from him, saying he's a womanizer and was allowing myself to fall for his charms.

I don't know what is that thing in him, that makes me so damn attracted to him.

Damn him!

Well, coming back to the point, I spent almost the entire week with Sasha and Jaxon. They tried to cheer me up, taking me to various restaurants, shopping malls and movies.

It was a fun week, I must say.

I'm so grateful to both of them. They both took almost a week holiday just for me.

I love them!

And trust me their handwork was a huge success. I'm fine and good now. My mood is much better from before.

Today, it was almost 11:00am in the morning and I was making breakfast for myself.

Me, Sasha and Jaxon went for a hangout last night, that's why I woke up late today. I wanted to eat something lite so I decided to make sandwiches for myself. 

I was on the breakfast table having my food when I got a call from someone. The phone was kept on charging accross the hall and I was too lazy to pick it up.

So, I let it rang.

I thought that if it'll ring again then I might pick it up. But very fortunately it didn't. 

After my food was over I decided to go to the grocery store and buy some items as my monthly stock is almost over.

I was wearing my jersey and I didn't really change, because I only had to go to the grocery store. So, I picked up my car keys and phone making my way out.

I sat in the car and plugged in my phone to play some music but suddenly I got a notification.

I picked up my phone and realised, I had not just one, but at least four to five of them.

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