Part 13- Rewritten

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   Me and Jace are sitting at a small diner both enjoying a chocolate milkshake while talking about how soon school will be over. I'm a junior so I will still have one more year of school to endure while Jace is a senior and will be starting college as soon as school ends. He has already been accepted to University of Florida Levin College of Law with a full scholarship. The college is only about fifteen minutes from where we are planning on getting an apartment together and only ten minutes from my moms and five minutes from his parents house so it works out perfectly. His mom agreed to watch the kids any day my mom can't since his mom no longer works. She decided to stop since she hated her job as a psychologist  and admitted she only went into that field due to the pay and her mom pushing her into it. It's not that she dislikes the people she said it just made her start to psychoanalyze everyone around her and slowly drove her into madness and caused lots of arguments between her and her husband. She explained to us both it's not a job for those weak of mind because the things you hear and see can make you question everyone around you. She said it made her very anxious and that she couldn't deal with the stress and and anxiety anymore. I personally don't think she's weak minded, but feel it just wasn't the job meant for her.

We are grateful to have our parents helping out so much because this lets us still get our education while raising kids. Oh and before y'all think we are together, we aren't! We are just getting closer and decided it would be easier to live together when raising two kids rather than endless trips back and forth between our houses. We just didn't feel like it would be fair to our babies to do that. Since me and Jace get along so good now we thought it would be great to live in the same household since we can coexist.

  Suddenly a familiar looking girl with black hair and blue eyes appears at our table and I watch as her eyes linger on my stomach. I am fourteen weeks and have a small bump starting to come through, but it's only noticeable when staring for a while at my stomach. If anything I look bloated and not pregnant, so why does her eyes linger there?

   "Hi! Sorry this is so awkward, but I was just wondering if you guys are together by chance? I don't mean to intrude or anything." The girl has a sweet voice and she looks between us shyly.

   "Uhhh, no we are just friends... why?" I ask as my brows scrunch together confused about what's going on.

    "Well in that case can I have your number? Sorry if I'm coming on too strong, but that girl over there dared me to get your number. She said I'm so ugly there's no way a cute guy would ever give me his number and than when I told her it's not true she told me to prove it, and sorry now I'm rambling and I'm just really embarrassed!" She says pointing towards a brunette who glances at us before turning away. I watch as the poor girls face starts to turn red as she gives us an explanation and Jace lets out a chuckle.

  "Well I guess I can give you my number so you can prove to her that she's wrong." Jace says with a kind smile making the poor girl smile back at him.

   "After you shove it in her face comeback over here and hang with us to rub it in her face even more. You shouldn't have to put up with that bull crap! Why does she even treat you like that?" I say feeling sad for the girl in front of me. She's a very pretty girl with long black hair and eyes that are blue with a lot of green specs. It makes me curious to wether her eyes change shades or not.

  "Well she was suppose to be my best friend, but recently she's been degrading me and walking all over me. I don't understand why. We were so close and than one day she just started to act this way towards me and acting like I'm her personal punching bag." The blue eyed girl says as tears well up in her eyes.

  "With friends like that you don't need enemies." Jace says as he hands her a napkin with his number scribbled on it. "You should definitely come chill with us. By the way I'm Jace and that's Aphrodite." He says and nods his head towards me.

   "You are also named after a goddess? That's so cool. I'm Athena and this is the first time I've meant someone else named after a Greek god." She says as excitement fills her eyes making me laugh lightly. This girl is definitely spunky.

  "Also I will join you guys. Thank you so much for inviting me I've had a horrible last few weeks and I can tell you both are super nice. I really appreciate it." She says before walking over to the brunette girl while waving the napkin in the air. The brunette stands off and screams "psycho bitch!" Before storming out the diner. Hmm, that was kind of a weird reaction over a dumb bet.

  Athena comes back towards us a huge smile shows off her pearly white teeth as she takes a seat next to me.

   "So where do you guys go to school?"

"Bakers High." Me and Jace say in unison before bursting into laughter just now realizing our school sounds like a weed factory.

"Really! I go there too! I'm a senior. Why haven't I seen you guys before?"

"Well it is a pretty big school. I'm a junior, but Jace here is also a senior." I say while pointing to Jace.

"I'm just shocked you don't know about him. He's known for his crazy parties and being quit the ladies man." I say while wiggling my eyebrows at the ladies man part.

"Well I tend to keep to myself. My only friend was Ciara, and well I guess me and her aren't friends anymore..." she trails off as a sad look over takes her face.

"It's ok, you have new friends now. I can't wait for you to meet Marie, Nara, Mark and Tyler. You'll love them! They are all hilarious and great to hang with." I chirp happily as I shove a fry in my mouth.

For a while we all chat and tell funny stories. I make sure to grab Athenas number and promise her will introduce her to our whole group here soon. She seemed super excited about it and gave me and Jace a hug before leaving. Although she seemed to be super sweet I couldn't help but to feel a slightly weird vibe coming from her. I don't know what it is, but I write it off as paranoia and maybe even jealousy. I mean it's no shock I still have feelings for Jace. I mean drunk me liked him enough to bang him. That says enough about how I feel about him. Maybe I'm just jealous because she's a pretty girl who seems like she may have a slight crush on Jace. Liking Jace isn't a crime though especially because we aren't together. I have no right to feel any kind of way towards it. With that I shrug off my feelings altogether and leave the diner with Jace not sparring our interaction a second thought.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum