Part 6- Rewritten

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"Hello Jace, I haven't seen you in forever!" My mom says as she wraps Jace in a hug. "I'm so happy you decided to join us today." My mom says while letting go of him while flashing him a smile.

"Hi Mrs. Lily, it's nice to see you." He says back to my mom while sending her his charming smile.

   "I must ask, do your parents know yet?" My mom asks curiously as she tilts her head to the side." At that question Jace rubs the back of his neck and looks away.

   "Uh no. I was thinking it might be best to tell them once the second trimester starts since I read miscarriages are most common in the first trimester."

   My mom nods her head in understanding. "Well good thing the Doctor will be with her shortly that way we can find out her exact due date and how far along she currently is."

    "Yes. When I tell my parents I would like to have all the facts."

   "Well you know me and Debby are good friends. We were so heart broken when you two stopped hanging out. I could arrange a dinner so that way I will be there when we drop the bomb. Might make it easier to process."

   "Thank you Mrs. Lily. That would be nice." He responds with an appreciative smile.

   "Oh please call me mom, you are having a child with my daughter after all!"

   When I hear this my face goes red and I immediately interject.

   "Mom! What? He can't call you mom that would be weird!" I screech as my eyes go wide.

   "Actually I would be honored to call you mom. Thank you." Jace says while throwing me a wink. With a huff I turn away and look in the other direction. I don't miss my moms huge smile before I look away from the both of them.

    "Aphrodite Gomez?" A nurse than calls making me, my mom, and Jace all stand up. We make our way towards the door and the room the nurse says we will be in. As I enter the room I examine the walls that are covered in pictures of cute little babies and a smile makes it's way to my face. I've always loved kids, but I never wanted one while I was still so young.

   "Go ahead and have a seat on the bed while I ask you a few questions. First of all is it ok if they are both in here?" She asks me and I immediately nod my head as I sit on the bed.

   "Alright then. Do you smoke, drink, or do any recreational drugs?"


    "Have you ever thought of hurting yourself or others?"


    "And I just want to make sure you know who the father is and that there's no chance of having any kind of STD? I do apologize if this question is uncomfortable it's just standard procedure to insure the babies safety."

   "It's ok, and I do know who the father is. It's the guy with me here today and I doubt I have any STDS. He's the only person I been with." I say and the nurse nods her head.

    "Alright and when was the day of  your last period?"

   "January thirty first."

She asks me a few more questions before handing me a hospital gown and some blankets telling me to go into the bathroom and get undressed from the waist down so they can do a vaginal ultrasound. She points me towards an empty bathroom connected to the room. She tells me to also leave a pee sample while I'm in there. By the time I come out there's the ultrasound tech setting up the equipment.

"Oh you must be Aphrodite. Come lay down on the bed." She than instructs me to scoot down to the end of the bed while my feet are placed in stirrups.

I look at Jace and see he's looking away (thank god cus I'm so embarrassed right now) as the tech explains the gel will be a little cold but this shouldn't hurt. I watch the screen that's placed on the wall where I am able to see everything going on as well. I look over to Jace and my mom and see their attention is also on the screen. Although everything looks like a complete blur I can't help but watch the whole time. After about fifteen minutes she tells me she is done and allows me to go to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Once I come out the bathroom the Dr is entering the room.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Davis. It's so nice to meet you all. I want to say the baby seems to be developing great. You are measuring at about eleven weeks pregnant which matches up with your last period date. It looks like your due date will be November sixth. At eleven weeks the baby is no longer an embryo and is now a fetus. Now there is something that is worrying me and we will have to get a heart beat to confirm it." At this my body goes numb. Am I going to miscarry? That's a huge fear of mine. I really hope not.

"There seemed to be two sacs and two babies. I would like a heart beat to confirm they are both alive and developing fine seeing with twins you need twice the nutrients." At this all our mouths drop open. Did she just say twins?

"T-twins?" Jace asks as his face goes pale as a sheet.

"Oh god, not two!" My mom almost shouts as her face fills with worry.

"Are you sure?" I ask not understanding how that's possible. Twins don't run in my family and I'm almost sure they aren't on Jace's side either.

"I'm positive. Now just try to calm down. You have around twenty nine weeks to plan everything. As long as there's no complications you will have the full amount of time to prepare for two babies. It will be harder than having one, but also twice as rewarding." She says with a smile playing on her lips.

"I have two sets of twins and it gives them someone to play with. It definitely allows you more you time in the end." Ms. Davis finishes off.

"Ok...." I say as I completely space out from reality. I remember going through the motions of laying down as cool gel hits my stomach. I remember them finding two heart beats and Jace holding my hand as I starred into oblivion. I remember Jace mumbling about how he's glad he hasn't told his parents yet or else he'd have to tell them all over again. I remember my mom trying to whisper calming words in my ear. I remember getting my blood drawn and them saying they will call me if anything's abnormal. I remember making another appointment for four weeks from now. What I don't remember is how I ended up laying in my bed dressed in one of my night gowns as Jace gave me a kiss on the forehead and tells me he will be stopping by tomorrow and for me to get some rest.

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang