Chapter Seventeen

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: shacufa

Stitches, my ringtone,  drilled my ears out for a minute or so. Fuming, I grabbed the devilish device that was on the bed table next to me. Blinking on the screen was not other than the face of my soon to be ex-best friend.

"Oh my freaking God, Hugh!" I groaned after pressing the green button on the screen.

"Hi, Emily! Glad to see you are in a good mood!" I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Do you not realize that it's five freaking thirty in the morning, here?!" I whispered yelled at the phone not wanting to wake up anyone else.

Not that they would actually hear me. The whole building was enormous to begin with. Still...

"Well, aren't you out running?" He asked mockingly.

"It's too early, Hugh, I can't think of a smart comeback." I turned my back on the bed and groaned into the soft pillow.

"Well" I could see him shrugging, "you're up, now, aren't you?"

"You are just this close" I pinched my fingers together "to be relieved out of best friend duties" my voice came out muffled since I was still lying on the pillow.

"Tsk. You won't find anyone as wicked and lovely as me."

I snorted. I stood up on the bed seeing that Hugh had no intention whatsoever on letting me go back to sleep again, "What's up, Hugh?"

"Can't I call to see how my favorite girl in the world is doing?" From the other side of the line you could hear some muffled voices, like he was in a busy place full of people or something.

"Where are you?"

"At Starbucks" Hugh answered smugly.

Groaning, I plopped back in my bed, "I hate you."

I could so use a vanilla cappuccino right now. With a double shot of espresso.

Hugh chuckled, "yeah, yeah, whatever. You are such a morning person." I rolled my eyes again.

"Seriously, Hugh. Everything ok?" There was a slight edge on his voice that let me know that he was having a hard time with something.

Hugh sighed, "I just had a really crappy day...I'm about to arrive to our spot."

A sad smile played on my lips. I laid comfortably underneath the sheets, staring at the ceiling. Hugh and I used our office's rooftop to have secret best friend's meetings from time to time. I know, it may sound silly, but we both grabbed a coffee and watched the sunset. The view was incredible and being so high and away from everything was always comforting. We mostly met when one of us was upset about something.

"When are you coming back, Em? I miss you" There was an edge of sadness on his voice.

My mouth felt dry instantly. I missed Hugh, and I felt bad for not being there for him right now, but we both knew that me being here was the best thing for now.

I stayed silent for a moment, before whispering, "I'm not going back soon."

Hugh sighed on the other side of the line, "yeah, I figured that much already. I just needed to hear it from you."

There was a thump on the other side, like he had kicked a can or something, "it just pisses me off that you had to leave and that ass is walking around town like nothing happened. Don't get me started on that wh-"

"I don't want to know, Hugh" I seated on the bed and pulled my knees to me, "I really don't care what they do. I have Mom back and she's been really cool to me. I want to be with her for a little while." Not to mention that the fact that there's a really handsome prince on the picture as well.

Prince with Benefitsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें