Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Shoot like crazy.

Run again.

Grab the white thingy.

Pretty simple right?

The only problem here is that I had forgot a tiny little detail when I planned this...


Wasn't it embarrassing enough that one time when I was out supposedly running?


What did I get myself into?

Whose idea was this again?

You stupid, stupid prick!

I would never listen to any of your idiotic ideas Hugh!

I'm sure he was laughing his ass off by now! The stupid annoying prick!

"We're here."

I turned to look at Ryan, the red haired twin I got to bring me to the start point. My eyes widened and I'm sure he noticed the evident panic in them, because his eyes softened.

"Don't worry, you'll be alright" He smiled at me. "Just remember the rules!" He turned around and ran away. I heard the distant sound of his boots and then the distinctive sound of a door closing.

What rules?

Was he talking before?


The lights went out abruptly. I flinched.  "You're so dead Hugh..." I trailed as I scanned my surroundings.

My eyes adjusted to the dimmed light. It was like a maze. There were mirrors all over the place and some neon graffiti. All the walls and roof were painted black and there was electronic music playing.

I could feel the rush of adrenaline kick in and I smiled as I lifted the damn shotgun huffing. It was pretty damn heavy.

You're on, pretty boy...

I started to walk slowly. I think the other twin left Scott at the other side of the maze so we had to run or whatever to shoot the other. I had booked this for ourselves, so we were alone. And the twins I guess.

For a moment, I stopped and thought about the annoying paparazzi that I'm sure followed us here. Damn. How do you deal with all of that?

My vest started vibrating and I heard the sound of laser shots. Just like in the star wars movies. Looking down I saw a small row of red thingys lighten up as I heard Scott laughing near.

"You're supposed to run, baby!"

How the hell did he find me so soon?!

Frowning, it took me a moment to realize that I hadn't actually moved from the corridor Ryan had left me. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself before I smiled innocently at Scott. He smiled back at me as I shot him like crazy and I screamed at him, "and you're supposed to cover yourself!"

"Shit!" He ran and turned left as I laughed really hard.

Gasping for air, I followed him. I stood almost glued to the wall always searching his reflection on the mirror. Like I've seen in most action movies.

This is worth every pound it costs...

I kept reeling on my new acquired ninja skills as I walked through the corridors, not really knowing where to go. That wasn't so much a surprise here, considering the first time I arrived at England.

Prince with BenefitsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora