"Is.. is this the end?" -Winger

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Ok so basically this chapter is recommended. Well the reason this whole new ending is created is because I got a suggestion from someone. I tried to fit it in what I wanted to happen to the original ending but I couldn't figure it out. I probably could have made it work but I decided to just make a whole new ending. The suggestion was from majaotulissa Their comment was,
"What if they find another fire fury who needs to be saved. After that he starts flirting with Aggro and Cutter gets jealous and challenges him to a race or something?"
I wanted to do this SO badly so that's basically the reasoning behind a lot of this. I'm changing it a bit so he's not gonna get saved but their will be another fire fury. (and he flirts with Aggro) Sorry if I didn't do it exactly how you wanted it but I thought it would be good like this. Anyway you can continue now!

Voilet's P.O.V-

It's been a couple days since I've been at the roost. They let me stay which I'm confused about in more ways then one. When they trained they would let me train with them and I would casually chat with them but I felt... out of place. I know I don't belong with anyone. I'm meant to be alone. I'm not sure why I'm staying. I mean I'm finally free from my past but what if they come after me when I leave? I guess that's my reason for staying here? I'm not exactly sure. Though I knew that's not the full reason I'm staying. I have a huge crush on Winger and I know it. Though I'm not telling him anytime soon. Probably never. I'll have already left by then.

We were currently at the village right now. There are so many other female dragons there. It annoys me that there always trying to hit on Winger just because he's the Alpha and needs to find a mate. He's so much more then an Alpha. He should have a mate for a queen. Whoever he would choose would help him be a good Alpha and help him rule. Though since he's younger then most of the Alpha's before him, I'm sure he would be fine without a mate. Though all the females don't seem to care. Winger never really seemed into the other females though. He would always try and make up an excuse to leave to get away from them. Maybe he already likes someone else? Like on the team? Summer or Aggro? Or maybe he like males? If he's into that. Not judging. Probably more of Summer then Aggro. Summer and Winger just seemed like good friends with a lot of history but maybe it's something more then that. Maybe he likes me? Eh, just kidding. He doesn't like me, that's only a dream. I probably shouldn't think about it anymore or I'll get jealous and do something stupid.

All the other females seem to hate me. I think it's because I'm closer with Winger then them. It doesn't help that I look like the exact same species as him. Everyone probably thinks we're dating or something because I'm staying at the roost with him and the other Rescue Rider even though I could stay at the village. I think the Rescue Riders let me stay because I'm still a little skittish when it comes to humans. I know Dak and Leyla stay at the roost too but it helps that there's less people. Though for me it doesn't really matter where I stay. It's not like I trust anyone here. Whenever the other females would glare at me I would just glare back. I'm not gonna apologize just for hanging out with Winger. Plus they should see that he's not at all interested in them. Ok now I'm starting to get jealous. I should stop now.

Cutter and Burple would also get hit on by the other females because they were close with Winger. Burple seemed like he didn't even know that the dragons are flirting with him. Cutter seemed to have a similar reaction as Winger, he would try to get away and leave. To be honest I don't think Cutter has a shy side but he is similar to the shy emotion when the other females flirt with him. Even some male dragons flirt with Burple, Winger and Cutter. Cutter even gets embarrassed when the females flirted with him. You could tell Aggro got mad when the dragons flirt with Cutter. Though I think Cutter was the only one who doesn't notice it.

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