Chapter 11

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Adelina's POV:

I had dropped off the bag at the house, sneaking in through the window, and hid it in the closet before leaving out the window again. We ended up picking up Danny's girlfriend, who by the way is the sweetest, along the way and I chatted with her for a bit before getting here.

Parties are nothing new to me. They used to be my scene when I had people to attend them with but now I only attend a couple here and there. 

Walking up to the party I had one goal: forget. I remember the familiarity of the scene infront of me when I first walked through the door. The music blasting and drunk teenagers screaming put me at ease in a way.

I seperated from Danny and his girlfriend to go get a drink and the fun began. Rhum and coke was my choice drink for the night and I probably went back for a refill one too many times. 

I sat on the couch for most of the first half of the night just observing while I steadily became more intoxicated. At the halfway mark, some weight had been lifted off my chest and my worries slowly started drifting away.

One of my favorite songs started playing and a smile creeped onto my face. I got up and joined the swarm of people in the living room. Eventually, I ended up facing a familiar looking boy with straight black hair and striking green eyes. He was a cute little thing with a somewhat muscular body and we danced together for the rest of the song and a couple songs after that. 

With every song we danced closer and closer until he was leaving the room while trailing me behind him away from the massive crowd and into a smaller one. I pointed to my empty drink and he nodded, leading me to the kitchen. 

With both of us having refilled our drink we made small and I learnt his name was Colton. Which again, was familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint why. While turning drunk and giggly, one thing led to another and soon enough we were in the corner of the room with my legs around his waist, his hands gripping my waist and our lips locked.

Suddenly he pulled away with a sloppy smile on his face.

"I was going to go smoke, want to come?"

I hesitated for a moment wondering if he was joking and he stepped back.

"You totally don't have to if you don't want to" he continued. 

I smiled at his cuteness.

"Are you fucking kidding? Let's go" I said grabbing his hand. 

He smirked and pulled my hand as he led me up the stairs. We walked up to a room and a tad of smoke escaped once he opened the door and he groaned.

"You fuckers started without me?" he said with a smirk.

"You went down for a drink and came back forty minutes later with lipstick stains and a chick on your arm what the fuck did you expect?" some guy laughed.

He simply smirked once again and sat down, pulling me onto his lap, which I didn't oppose to.

I took a look around the room and noticed Danny laughing with some of his friends. I then understood that Colton must be a friend of a friend of sorts and I must've seen him around. Danny's girlfriend, who was seated next to him, noticed us come in and waved at me which gained Danny's attention who gave me a small nod in acknowledgement as I gave one back.

We both returned to our seperate conversations and Colton gently grabbed the side of my face and we began to kiss once again until someone nudged his arm and passed him the bong. So he took a hit, and I took a hit and the cycle repeated with us occasionally getting up to get drinks. 

After that everything got hazy. I remember the makeouts getting sloppier and sloppier but we were too drunk to care. 

This morning I woke up fully clothed and was greeted by the same room that held yesterday night's events. 

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. I snuck back into the house through the window, took my shower, took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep only to be woken up to do the DNA test. 

The older women conducting the test has just left and I'm left feeling numb again, the only thing on my mind being that it'll only take a couple of days until I'm shipped off to them. 

I could tell the stress was going to take my mind to places I didn't want it to go so I smile and speak to Jack and June for a couple moments before excusing myself and head up to my room. I dig through the bag in the closet and pull out a new vape and pod and open the window to stick my head out. 

With each puff, the storm brewing inside me calms and relief sets in slowly and steadily. I take a moment to reflect on what's happening, as I've learnt to face my problems head on rather then have everything pile up.

I know within myself that as soon as Ms.Martin mentioned six brothers and the missing persons report that it was them. It's too coincidental, I mean who has that many children who are just boys who happen to have a sister who disappeared with the same name as me. Still, there's a sliver of hopeful doubt in my mind.

I know it's foolish to think that way but it's what I'm thriving off of at the moment. I blow out the smoke left in my lungs before stepping back at closing the window. I open the closet back up and undo the zipper.

I throw in the vape and contemplate taking somehting else out of the bag for a bit. My head was still pounding and the feeling of nausea still very much present, I decide against doing anything else knowing I would need it more in the upcoming days and not wanting to overuse it.

I decide to go to bed, not really feeling in the mood to do anything but sleep. As I'm changing in to something more comfortable, I pick up yesterday's clothes that are all over the floor. I was too drunk and high and giggly and disoriented to care where they ended up yesterday. 

As I'm picking up the shirt a smell catches my attention and I bring it closer to my nose. It reeks of weed and rhum but that's nothing surprising. I'll ask where the laundry room is tomorrow. 

I throw everything in the hamper as my phone buzzes. Groaning, knowing it's Eloise because I don't text people and they don't text me, I check what it is she wants to tell me. 

It was just a reminder that I should get the results back tomorrow or the next day and to keep my mind open because she believed it was real possibility that they were my siblings. 

Yea, that's the problem.

I decide to ignore the text and climb into bed . I get under the covers and snuggle into them making sure I was comfortable until I find the right sleeping position. 

I close my eyes hoping for sleep to overcome me but it doesn't. So I open my eyes back up and stare at the wall suddenly seeing every scratch and every dent. 

I sigh, knowing how the rest of the night is going to go. I float in and out of sleep and my mind is running a mile a minute.


Ok so I figured since I never update when I should, I actually should update when I said I would for once hihi.

I hope you enjoyed!

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We're getting closer to their meeting... 0.0

Thanks for reading!!

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