Chapter 4

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Adelina's POV:

I woke back up a couple hours later. Dr.Richards informed me that everything was being taken care of and I should be able to leave soon.

There's a sudden knock at the door and I call whoever it is in. A petite blond woman who looks to be in her late twenties walks in with a small smile on her face and pity in her eyes. I hold in a scoff. I don't need pity.

"Hi, my name is Eloise Martin," she said keeping her smile " I'm going to be your social worker and am going to be the one to make sure your next placement is a good one."

She seems nice so I mutter a small hi and look down. She must have seen that I don't like talking, so she continued.

"So sweetheart, the best case scenario is that we find some family for you to live with. Unfortunately we haven't found any relatives yet.  So to make our search easier, do you know anyone that you would want to live with? Or someone that would want you to live with them?"

I instantly feel a spark of hope and consider telling her about them, my brothers and my dad. I quickly decide against that though. I hate them, they don't care about me. They didn't want to find me so why would I want to find them?

"No, I don't have any family."

"Are you sure? No one? Not even a distant cousin?" she said looking unconvinced.

"I don't know of any family I would have." 

She looked at me sympathetically before nodding her head. 

"Alright well in the meantime, I'm going to make some calls about what we call an emergency placement. Basically, it's just a family that you'll be staying with temporarily before we can find a more perminant placement for you."


"We'll keep looking for some family but if we can't find anything we'll start looking for other options."

Yea good luck with that. Michael shredded my birth certificate so there's pretty much nothing but my last name linking me to them. There are plenty of Bianco's out there, I'm sure.

"Alright." I said looking down, ready to be done with this conversation.

She took the hint and quietly left the room saying something about seeing me later.

So I sat there thinking. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. I was lost in my thoughts, processing the last 24 hours. Every time I closed my eyes I see Michael's lifeless ones. 

I still hear his voice taunting me. I could still see his hands ripping my clothes and his fingers reaching for me. I remember in vivid detail seeing the door break through the tears in my eyes. The house being ripped to shreds as if looking for something. My drugs being taken and placed somewhere else. The horrid screams. 

I can't believe it. This isn't reality. I'll wake up anytime now and Michael will be alive and well. Well, as well as you can be with a liver like his.

I need this dream to stop. Pinching myself will wake me up, right? So that's what i did. I pinch myself over and over almost frantically before a nurse walks in and attempts to stop me. No, I need to wake up.

Before I know it, there are three or four nurses holding me down while I'm in hysterics.

"No! Please! This isn't real! I need to wake up. This is just a nightmare."

One of the older ladies is holding me in her arms whispering soothing words in a futile attempt to help. Her words only go in one ear and out the other. Two others are arguing wether they should up my dose of meds when the last one finally has had enough. 

A young male nurse, this time, grabs both my hands in his and makes me look at him.

"Just listen to the sound of my voice, ok? Deep breaths for me. Breath in," there's a silence while I'm trying to do as he says," Breath out."

We repeat this process a couple more times and I slowly calm down. As soon as my breathing steadies a wave of exhaustion hits me and my eyes droop slightly. Allowing myself to sleep, I soon drift off into a dreamless slumber.

When I wake, nurse Cassie is next to me doing something with the machines. She informs me that I would be leaving soon and Dr.Richards is getting my discharge ready. As soon as she leave Ms.Martin comes in. 

"Hi sweetheart!"

I give her a small nod of acknowledgment.

"So," she continues " tonight you're going to stay with the Porters. They're a lovely couple who live about twenty minutes from here."

She sits down and proceeds to tell me all about them. Apparently the Porters are an older couple in their sixties. June is a baker while Jack is a retired carpenter. The couple apparently live in a small but cozy home and have three adult children that no longer live with them.

"Oh, and they have a wonderful garden! You know, I think you'll quite like them..."

She rambled on for a bit but I stopped paying attention. Would they be nice? Would they be like him? 

Not everyone is like him.

Could've fooled me.

It's fine you'll only be with them for a little while, then you won't have to see them again. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, nurse Cassie comes in and tells me I'm free to go. I look up at her to thank her but she refuses to meet my gaze so I let it be.

I start packing up my few belongings such as my phone, three dollars and the bracelet my mom gave me. I also put on some clothes the hospital gave me since mine were ripped. I turn, ready and Eloise sends me a smile.

"Ok, let's go!"

As we walk, she starts talking about some cute doctor she saw on the way to my room. 

"You know? He was the tall dark and handsome type, but I'm here for you so I didn't flirt. I didn't flirt! You should know this is really an accomplishment for me. I guess you could say that I'm a bit boy crazy. But I'm here for you girl! Not some hot doctor."

I couldn't stop a few giggle from escaping and I think she just took them as encouragment for her ranting. I don't mind it though, I'm not exactly a fan of uncomfortable silence.

We soon exit and make our way towards her car and start driving. Though, we didn't end up at the Porters house.


I don't like this chapter too much, seems like more of a filler.

Thank you everyone who gave my story a chance!


Blood is thicker than waterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang