Eating junk food is exhausting

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Dedicated to SlowTurtle for the lovely cover :) xx

Chapter Eleven


As we got back to the car, Rob opened up the doors to let me into the passenger seat while he put the bags in the boot. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket while fastening my seat belt, so I reached under me to retrieve it.

As I sat, practically using my arm as a cushion and creasing up my face in concentration, Rob got into the driver's seat, shooting me a raised eyebrow before starting the car.

I loved that he didn't even bat an eyelid at my odd behaviour, we'd known each other for half a month and he was already used to me.

When I finally got hold of my phone, I pulled it out and checked the screen, one new message from a number I didn't recognise.

'Whatever you're doing to Rob, stop it. He doesn't need people like you in his life.'

That was all it said, whoever sent this message hated me, and for once it wasn't because I'd insulted them with my sarcasm or accidentally told them I couldn't stand their favourite band.

I must have looked as confused as I felt because I could sense Rob watching me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really, just got some weird message from a random number."

"What does it say?" I read the message out to him and he frowned.

"That's weird, the only person I know that has a problem with us is Melody, but she wouldn't text you, blackmail is far too much effort."

I let out a small laugh, "hates a lot of things but too lazy to do anything about it, sounds like me."

Rob grinned and shook his head, "it'll be fine, whoever it is will just have to get over themselves. And if not, they'll have to go through me."

He sounded so sincere, though he couldn't look at me as he navigated the roads home so instead just placed a comforting hand on my leg, gently warming the border between knee and thigh.

Rob had quite big hands, strong looking with surprisingly soft skin. His nails were short, the kind of length achieved only by biting them religiously, though I couldn't for the life of me recall ever witnessing him doing so. As a nail biter myself, I usually notice these things.

We stayed in silence the rest of the journey, a comfortable silence, he pulled up outside of his house and he assured me that he was just going inside to get some DVD's for our movie marathon, didn't want to have a day full of 'sappy romances where the girl falls for the guy with the best six pack'.

I had snorted at his comment originally, but now I couldn't help myself but think about whether or not Rob was hiding a six pack under his hoodies and t-shirts.

Even if he didn't, the mere thought was enough to keep me occupied until he returned clutching a stack of DVD's that I wasn't permitted to see.

Rob started the car again and we drove to my house, not a particularly far distance by any description. We drove up the driveway and I was relieved to find that in the time we had been gone, no one else had come home.

We got out of the car and Rob got out the bags and his DVD's while I unlocked the front door, it was a system decided by an unspoken agreement

Once inside I told Rob to go to the cinema room while I got the snacks from the kitchen that I had gathered earlier, my mum was on a health kick so the 'snacks' equated to some cereal bars, a few apples and some little bottles of mineral water.

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