Otherwise occupying your mouth

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Chapter Six


My phone vibrated in my jeans pocket, letting out a little ding! A message from Olympia, I smiled a little, we were always texting. Getting into little debates about the best album by Panic! At the Disco or watching the same thing on TV and sharing our thoughts on it.

All the message said was 'meet me before school tomorrow, I think I've found the perfect solution to your problem.'

I was relieved to be honest, a small part of me was worried that Olympia would refuse to help me anymore after my slip up earlier. It was just so hard, when the three people around me are all smoking. If I do, I feel like I'm letting both my mum and Olympia down, but if I don't then my friends get suspicious.

I sent her back a simple 'okay' before turning off the light and going to sleep.


In the morning I rode my bike to school as usual, I saw Olympia waiting for me where all the school buses drop people off.

"Hey." I shouted to her once I'd parked and she walked over.

"Hey," she said with a smile.

"So what's this wonderful conclusion that you've come to regarding my...distractions."

Olympia blushed, "Well, um, just let me explain before you say anything okay?" I nodded and she took a deep breath, refusing to look me in the eye.

"So I was thinking about what you said about needing a distraction, and you know since we're pretending to be a couple and all..." she trailed off, meeting my gaze for a second before looking away again.

"Ithoughtthatmaybeicouldkissyou." She said all in one go, her blush deepening.


"I thought that maybe I could kiss you, I mean it's quick, it would take your mind off of smoking by otherwise occupying your mouth, and it fits in nicely with us pretending to be a couple."

I thought about, it was a pretty good idea; nobody would find it weird since she is supposedly my girlfriend, it would definitely distract me, and six months of kissing isn't exactly a bad deal.


She looked shocked that I had agreed so quickly, I got the feeling that she had other arguments ready to go if I had needed more persuading.

"So, you think it's a good idea then?" I nodded, "Great! I was worried for a second there when you got that thoughtful look on your face."

I laughed as she impersonated this 'thoughtful face', it required Olympia to scrunch up her face and stare into the distance. I laughed and she soon joined me, struggling to hold the pose any longer.

Over Olympia's shoulder I could see El and Joey walking up the road the spot where we usually have our morning smoke before school. Seeing them there when I would normally be with them was frustrating, it was just habit to want to join them, we'd had this tradition since year eleven.

Instead I put my hand on Olympia's waist and pulled her closer, "Why don't we test it out?" I whispered into her ear before lifting up to chin with my other hand. Her long eyelashes fluttered as her eyes closed, and even though we were too close for her face to be in focus I could tell she was blushing. 

I've kissed girls plenty of times,  I'm not going to tell you there were fireworks, because honestly there weren't. Instead I felt warm, blissful, like things had fallen into place. I worked hard to remind myself as our mouths moved together that my relationship with Olympia was both temporary and only for show, but to hell with it, let's at least put on a good show. 

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