Chapter 9 (Alexs POV)

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As night approaches Im forced to return to my bunk. All I can think about is Piper.

I did the same thing when my mother died.

I went into depression.

And so is Piper. So I know how she feels.

Helpless. Upset. Mad. Destroyed.

When my mom died, I immediately turned to the drugs I had ported all around the world for years.

But Piper kept me in check.

So I had to do the same for her.

Im really worried about her. If my first instinct was to turn to drugs, what would hers be?

We didn't have drugs in here. So what would she think of?

Self harm?



Or would she think of any of these? Piper was strong. She could get through this.

Her rib was broken and punctured her lung, but she survived.

Piper could overcome this.


All I knew was I had to make sure she didn't do anything rash.

At some point in the night I decided to fake a bathroom break so I could pass Pipers cube to check on her.

I grabbed my roll of toilet paper and casually walked by.

She was laying there. So small and fragile looking. She was pale from not eating.

I was lucky that I was able to get her to at least drink something every day.

I stood at the entrance of her cube and admired her.

Thinking about ways that I could maybe help her.

But I came up empty.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom so that the guards wouldn't get suspicious of me. And of course, as I walk in who do I see?

Pennsatucky and the meth heads.

I start to wonder why their here. But I soon hear Pennsatucky in full preach mode.

And I soon figure out they have this late night Jesus class or whatever they call it.

".... An' I said 'God, I will be your chosen one and get rid of these lesbianing freaks!'" Pennsatucky exclaims to the other Meth heads.

I walk in and smirk to myself.

"Speaking of lesbian freaks, heres one now!" Pennsatucky points my way.

"Oh man. This bathroom taken? I hadn't been informed it was reserved for meth head purposes." I turn to walk back out. I had to keep cool and avoid the SHU.

For Piper. I couldn't help her from in there.

"Don't worry lesbian! You will pay for your actions with that other girl in the name of Jesus!" Pennsatucky roars as the other meth heads laugh.

I turn around to face them. "Jesus Christ. Will you just shut up already?" I ask calmly.

"Don't you go using the lords name in vein!" She says. "Me and all my other supporters will take you trash down! There are so many of them I can't keep up with 'em." Pennsatucky continues.

"What you have fans?" I ask in disbelief.

Finally Leanne pipes up.

"Shes a hero. A defender of the unborn!"

"Jesus, that sounds like a bad X-Men movie. What did you do? Bomb an abortion clinic?" I chuckle.

"When I get out I'll finish my job for taking down that abortion clinic first. And this time, it'll be physical. And your not invited! Because we don't allow gay people on our Rapture Bus!" Pennsatucky gets an applause from the meth heads.

"No way... Theres a bus? And Im not invited? Damn, I really did it now." My eyes are wide as I pretend to look offended.

I decide to walk out before things get to heated and I do something that could get me in trouble later.

As soon as I leave I hear Pennsatucky and her preaches continue.

I cross my arms and stroll back to to my bunk. I curl up and drift to sleep.

And as I sleep, I dream about me and Piper and all our adventures around the world.


Not my best chapter. But I did get the meth heads and Pennsatucky in there😂

The next chapter, Im thinking about maybe adding Crazy eyes. Any requests on who I should try to get in there?

Anyways. Im gonna go brainstorm and maybe take a nap. Maybe read. Ah. Decisions, decisions. I'll update either tomorrow or later.

Maybe later I might get inspired, 'In the name of Jesus.' To far? Idk. Anyways, read, vote, comment. Any feedback helps!!

See ya later little spoons!!

~ Gabrielle💁

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