40: Not What You Think It Is

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The last couple of days turned out to be the best day of my life since Maria came back. She has been spending more time with me and I couldn't be happier. She and I are developing this bond that lost its spark when we both got divorced. I never in my whole life thought that I will be able to have these lost moments with Maria. I thought that I lost her and that I would never gain her trust back – maybe I haven't gained her complete trust, but we are approaching it. I want to show her how much I want to be with her and how much I still love her. She told me that some of her friends are flying to Chicago next week so that they all could go on Charlie's bachelorette trip. Hardly two months are left before my brother and Charlie will tie the knots and I couldn't be happier. Marcus deserves all the happiness – especially after he has been through.

Dad will also fly to New York next week. Good thing my old man is coming here – I could use some business advice from him and also, I miss him so much. It has been so long since he came to New York. While Elizabeth is already in town – she came three days ago and now she is staying at my place. She will be leaving for Chicago for two days as she has an important meeting there, but she will return before the ladies could go for the trip. I was sitting alone in my office with a smile on my face – I was happy because for once everything was going as per my plan.

I heard a knock at my office's door before my assistant, Landon, walked in. "Good morning, sir. Your meeting with Mr. Arthur has been postponed and also, Miss Alice called. She asked me to tell you to call her back." Landon said. I creased my forehead and rested my elbows on the table, "Alice called?" I asked. "Yes, Mr. Harrison. She called around eight in the morning." He replied. I haven't heard from her since the day she told me that she was pregnant. I wonder what she has to say. I simply nodded my head, "Thank you, Landon." I said to him. He nodded and was about to turn when he spoke, "Oh, I am sorry – I completely forgot, but Carlo called." Landon told me.

Carlo is the head of my security team. He always makes sure about the security. So much has happened in the last few years and it made me afraid that someone would come and hurt my family. Our cousins betrayed us and after that, I don't trust anybody when it comes to my family. I knitted my eyebrows, "What did he say?" I asked him.

"He told me that he saw a man with a camera outside the park where Miss Wayne took Miss Kathryn to, but before he could snap any photo – he was stopped," Landon said. I felt my heart in my throat. "Who was he?" I asked Landon anxiously. "Don't worry, Mr. Harrison. He was a paparazzo. Carlo questioned him and came to know that he has been trying to break a story about you and Miss Wayne since you two have been out of radar since everything that happened a couple of years back." He answered. I sighed in relief. I was relieved that it wasn't someone who intended to hurt Maria or Kathie. I nodded, "Thank you, Landon. I will talk to him." I said to him before he left.

As soon as Landon was gone, the first thing I did was I called Carlo. He said that everything was okay, but some media groups are trying to get a story. They saw Maria and now they want to know how she has been since the accident. I don't think Maria would appreciate any sort of media attention, so I asked Carlo to try to lower the heat while I talk to Maria about it. I didn't want Maria to feel uncomfortable, because I know she will if she comes under the media's attention. Carlo assured that everything was under control, but he wasn't sure till when he will be able to keep it low – since, he can't tell how long he will be able to stop them.

After talking to Carlo, I decided to go visit Marcus later and tell him about what has been happening. I was almost done with some of the work when my phone rang. I looked at it to see Alice calling. I completely forgot that she called in the morning. I answered it immediately, "Hi, Alice." I said. "Hi, Silas, I am sorry I am bothering you, but I called in the morning but you weren't in the office and I could reach you through your cellphone." She said. I mashed my lips and briefly closed my eyes, "I am sorry, Alice. Landon did tell me about your call, but I got so busy with work that I completely forgot to call you back." I told her the truth. She chuckled, "It is all right, Silas." She replied. I leaned against my chair, "So, how are you, Alice?" I asked her.

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