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** Lia's POV **

As we made our way down the path, I could see Dakota walk with an extra pep in her step. "Yeah, it was pretty cool seeing all of that. I can't believe all of the legends and myths I read about are actually... real." Her eyes lit up as her gaze met mine. "I've always wanted them to be real but, well... that's just not how it worked." She looked back to the ground as sadness swept over her face and her pace slowed.

"It's alright. We work really hard to keep it that way." I began, as I reached out and rubbed her back. "The world hasn't been prepared for us to be out in the open for centuries."

"Why is that?" She inquired.

"Well, let's just say that once monotheistic religions and science started playing a larger part in everyone's lives... magic, itself, was forced to move over and make room for them. Magic turned from being revered and heavily practiced to being misunderstood and damned." I could barely hide my feelings of disgust and rage. "Either way," I started again and brushed the negative feelings away as fast as I could, "that's a conversation for another day. What matters most is that, right now, we work to keep our people safe from the outside world. However, once the U.P.T. was formed, we started taking measures to try to integrate ourselves further into modern society. So that's a plus." My voice brightened as I thought of all the excellent work the Esperanza De Luna Nueva pack had been doing for our people.

"What kind of measures?" Dakota asked.

"We are working to give our members a better education and trying to reach out to help society more. All members living in the city remain in their human form for the most part and only shift occasionally. Like I said, humanity isn't ready for were-creatures to run around amongst them. However, the Luna Nueva pack is also working to secure various old buildings and lands for us in the cities so we and other were-creatures have safe spaces to reside and shift in. They do a great deal more than what I've just said, and you will learn far more than you probably want to know if you should accept your Luna position. Until then, we are here." I said as we walked into the thickest part of the woods.

"There's nothing here." Dakota started as I approached the large bushes.

"Well, thanks to the magic spells protecting it we can only enter the area in our animal forms." I smiled back to her as I turned back to the bushes. "Alright!" I stated as I clapped my hands and rubbed them together, eager to get started. "Let's do this!" I smiled, as I looked back at Dakota.

"Um," She looked down to the ground as her nerves raised her shoulders to her ears. "I don't know."

"It's alright, really," I tried to assure her. "You can do this. You've already proved you have a natural wolf scent, and excellent hearing." I moved back toward her and raised her chin so she could see my eyes. "I think you can do this." I smiled.

"I mean," she began, her eyes looked quickly to the ground and then back to me. "I guess its worth a shot." I smiled in response and stepped back.

"Excellent," I said and turned around, "OK, now I promise I won't look, but it would be better if you stripped so you don't rip your clothes." With that, I began to undress and prepare for my shift.

"Ok..." her voice was small and embarrassed.

"I promise I will keep my back turned, even as I guide you through how to shift." I smiled to myself as I thought of seeing her wolf.

"Alright, I'm ready." She whispered.

"Me too." I replied as I straightened up and prepared myself.

**Dakota's POV**

Here I was, standing naked in the middle of the forest with a drop-dead gorgeous woman standing directly behind me. Granted, she was looking in the opposite direction but the thought of her there had me trembling.

The Wolf Within (Book 1 of Wolf Within Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя