Ch:29 More Mystery

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(Lea's P.O.V)

"You know you're interesting." Luke mused, shadows dancing over his face.

"I have to say the same for you." I replied back calmly but intimidatingly, trying hard to keep my calm. Did it have to be him?

"If you think I'll let you get away with whatever you're scheming..." His face came dangerously close to mine and it made my heart beat quicken.

"You're wrong." He whispered deeply, his green eyes looking like a lush carpet of green grass and he walked away from the deserted place in the hallway.

Why has he been taking a fancy to me this suddenly? What's up with him? Why the hell is he managing to get me cornered in some deserted part of the school and talk nonsense to me? Even though it probably makes much more sense than anything I ever say.....

Why the hell does he think that I'm scheming something? Even though I am....but that's not the point! How can he even get that idea? He's just too much! Mr Perfect...hmph. I snicker at the thought as I think of what I'll have to do.

Wait! Why the hell am I using the word hell so much?!?!? I'm going bonkers....yeah that explains it and I mean, who wouldn't?

I sighed and regained my composure, making my way to my last class with a few minutes before the final bell for the class rang.

Today had been no better than any days and since I already knew who my target was? Its even worse.

Also, I'm thinking about getting Lisa and Chris to go out eventually. I mean? Doesn't hurt to be cupid once in a while, right? I mean it hurts those who're hit by the arro-

Okay, I'm getting off topic now.

I walk in, quickly seating myself at the third last empty bench by the window with a pleasant view.

I started zoning off but then I felt a presence next to me and saw an excited looking Maggie. I turn my attention to her and smiled.

"So what's got you so excited, Mags?"

"Luke likes a girl!" She squealed loudly but blushed in embarrassment when few people looked at her in confusion, some annoyed and in short: we got unwanted attention.

I rose a brow and chuckled.

"Sorry....." She apologized nervously and when everyone got back to doing whatever they were doing in the first place, she turned back to me and looked at me eagerly. I cocked a brow as a question invaded my mind.

"But doesn't he act uninterested in girls? And from what I heard?....He doesn't like anyone either."

"Well, yeah. But there's this rumor going on that he likes someone in our grade and has been talking to her lately. For Mr. Perfect who doesn't even look at a girl? Talking to one is a big step! And Victoria's been looking furious and pissed off since the rumor went round in the third period when someone said they caught a glimpse of him with a girl with brown hair!!" She explained rather too quickly for me to understand but I managed. Only a rumor, hmm?

Hey, wait....does that ring any bells, fellas? Could it....? Could it be me that the rumor is about? I mentally snicker. So stupid a-

But, it might prove good for me in the long run if he's already spiked an interest. But still...


"I thought you liked him, no?" I asked smirking devilishly, trying to confirm my suspicions from the first day.

She turned a beet red and shook her head vigorously. "N-no, I mean, yes...but, no---"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...I get the point." I smirked at her maliciously and she glared hard but playfully. But I'm sure she's just a fan girl too. Nothing about her obsession speaks 'love' or anything. Not that I'm saying it just has to be love or stuff like that. Even if you like someone, the feeling can be sensed by others, there's this look in the eyes and I know this all sounds cliche...but cliches are cliches because they're true and happen often.

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