Ch:8 The Party

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(Lea's P.O.V)


I need water. I am so thirsty! Why????

I looked around myself at all the bodies dancing around in the blackness with the occasional disco lights. Okay, look I don't hate parties but the conjugated, sweaty feeling you get in the room is what I can't handle. It feels like I can't breathe and the air around feels thick.

And sometimes the intermingled scents are what drive me crazy before being involved in games like beer pong.

I had told Sam that I was going to get some water from the car and was making my way out of the place.

Finally outside, I took in some deep breaths which made me feel way better. I looked up at the starry sky lit by the moon's shine. The slight breeze was just comforting. I stood there a few more minutes.

I'd given up on trying to find Demi in the maze. I knew she'd probably be slightly drunk and having the time of her life.

I continued on my way to the Mercedes which was parked at a distance from Clarice's place. There were of lot of cars and people at the party.

Nothing weird or strange or unusual. She was, after all, very popular. And also know for her parties.

I reached the car and then it hit me. I completely forgot that it was Sam's car not Demi's. Oh, right. You must also be wondering why I was going out to get water.

Well, it was something like this.

We all had a policy whenever we went to parties. Never drink or eat anything unless you want o have alcohol since it was in pretty much everything at all parties so we used to bring it ourselves. We had water bottles in both the cars. But now, since it wasn't any of our cars, I was helpless.

I sighed helplessly and tiredly.

I decided that since I didn't have a choice and I was on the verge of dying because of thirst, I'd just go back and see if I could find some non alcohol added water.

When I finally reached the kitchen after getting directions from people here and there, I looked around and took in my surroundings.

I made my way to the refrigerator almost instantly but was blocked by a good looking guy. He had brown hair, tan skin and dark brown eyes. He stood taller, maybe as much as Sam did, than me.

"Um...." I looked at him, confused. And hoped that the guy would catch the hint and back off, which of course, wouldn't happen.

It was like every cliche movie. Just, I wouldn't need a damn prince charming to come save the damsel in distress. Nope, the situation was far from that.

He said nothing but kept looking me up and down like nearly all the guys I'd met today from Sam to this one.

In fact, when we'd arrived and Sam and me were together, every guy who'd come to take a look or try starting up a conversation with me would receive a glare or growl from Sam. I guess, I was a bit thankful about that one.

"Could you please get aside?" I tried to ask as politely as I could without snapping at the poor thing.

'POOR THING?! He's probably just another asshole!'

'Duh.' I rolled my eyes at Nikita,' I'm talking about his state after I'd snap.'

'Right.........' I nodded at her in approval.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked me with a grin. maybe any other girl would've died for that offer. Even I would agree. Any guy you see is attractive doesn't mean you also have to like him. That's exactly the case here.

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