Chapter Sixty-Five

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I woke up the next morning sore from sleeping on Madeline's couch for the first half the night. Mercifully Janet had helped me back to my own room so I didn't have to sleep there the whole night.

"Hi, sleepy head." Janet handed me a coffee when I finally sat up, rubbing my sore back. "I told Marinette to take the morning off, so I'm here to help you."

My eyes must have popped out of my head because Janet laughed. "Don't worry, she'll be there in time to get you ready for your meeting with the king."

I sighed and took a sip of coffee. "Oh, good."

"Hey!" she said, batting my arm with her hand. "I resent that. I totally know how to dress myself."

I looked her up and down, noticing her footie pyjamas from the night before were still on, and then raised an eyebrow at her, taking another sip from my coffee.

"Well, no one's going to see us, anyway." She smiled and sat down beside me.

"I know," I sighed and downed the rest of my coffee in one gulp. "But there's so much still to prepare before my meeting, so I have to find Semret and Abigail and I'm currently wearing duck pyjamas."

"And you can put on some business casual clothes like everyone else to go find them. You'll have plenty of time to get yourself fancied up before lunch." She said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You do remember what business casual is, don't you?"

"Yes, Janet." I threw a throw pillow at her, now that neither of us was holding hot beverages. "But I'm not sure I own any of it anymore."

She stood up and walked over to my closet, searching through the shelves and racks before emerging with a pencil skirt dress and a blazer. "Looks all right, yeah?" She held them up so I could assess them.

I joined her in the closet to search for an acceptably not-sparkly pair of shoes. In less than fifteen minutes, I had a piece of toast in my mouth and was racing down the hallway towards the public relations offices, where I had texted Semret to meet me.

We have so much to do.

I slipped into the office and made my way straight to Abigail's office. This time, when I knocked on the door, she nodded her head for me to come in while she finished her conversation with a man I didn't recognize.

"Thank you," she said, standing to shake his hand. "I'll speak to you shortly."

I occupied myself with my notes and suggestions for press releases and opportunities until Abigail interrupted me.

"All right, Gevevieve, I'm ready for you. What do you need this morning?"

"I wondered if you could give me some information so Semret and I can put together our plan to present to King Richard this afternoon. I have a few specific questions and then I'll be out of your way."

She swept her hand in front of her and sat down on top of her desk. "By all means. Let's get started."

Three hours and two outfit changes later, I stood outside the king's office. My hands shook as I clutched my plans to my chest and nodded to the guards. I'm ready.

* * *

"Well, I think there's still some work to do." King Richard took off his glasses and slid my report to the side, resting his hands on the desk. "I'd like to see some outings with you two interacting with the people, for one. And I think there's some opportunity here for a bit more seriousness from the both of you. This is by no means over."

My whole body was shaking with nerves. Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

Finally, he smiled at me and shook his head. "I don't know how, but you've made my son want to fight for you and you've prepared an excellent plan."

No way! He's going to let me stay.

"There is a long way to go and this isn't permission to do whatever you please." His face was stern and severe again. "I expect the both of you will continue to learn and work to provide the image befitting royalty. Any actions to the contrary and I may yet throw you both out."

"Of course, Sir," I stuttered. "Anything at all."

"Let's start with dinner this evening and our family viewing of the special. Jacques will work with Semret and Janet to set up an appropriate schedule and Abigail can finish the plans for this..." he waved his hand over my plan, "And tighten it up until it's what we need." He looked up at me again before adding, "It isn't bad work, for an intern."

Was that a compliment or an insult? One of these days I'm going to figure him out.

"Thank you." I stood to curtsey. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes." He handed me back my plans. "Could you return those to Abigail and discuss the necessary changes with her? I'll leave you two in charge of the launch and speak to Adele about our next steps."

"Thank you, Sir. I appreciate it." I was really trying to keep the smile from cracking my face apart, but I couldn't do it. I get to stay! I was practically dancing as I left the room, eager to tell Clarence what had happened.

I turned towards his room and then remembered the king's final request. I stopped in my tracks and looked down at the report in my hands and then to Clarence's room and back again.

Better not risk it, I thought, taking off towards the office. I'd have plenty of time to see Clarence after I met the king's conditions.

It was only once I arrived in the office and saw the stack of paperwork on my desk that I realized I really should have discussed my workload with King Richard. I groaned and put it on my checklist of things that needed doing, which was getting so long I was going to need a second piece of paper before the day was up.

I gave Semret a thumbs up as I passed her desk and she looked up at me.

"Yes?" she asked.

I nodded, the smile slowly creeping back onto my face again. "I get to stay."

We did a tiny celebration as I walked past, but I had to collect myself before knocking on Abigail's office door.

"Abigail?" I asked, stepping inside. "I have some notes from the king. He wants you to take charge of this now that it's actually going to be put into action."

"Come in," she said, not looking up from her computer. "Let's get started." 


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