Chapter Sixty-One

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With everything going on in the palace, it was impossible to keep track of all the moving parts of the anniversary events. I had to just hope that everyone was doing their part and focus on what I could control: me.

"Hey, you," I said to Clarence as I walked up behind him near the doors to the grounds. "All ready to go?"

He stuck his hands in his pockets, shrugging as he did so. "I've never cared much for these events. Ask Madeline, she'll talk your ear off about how awful they are."

"If you could take the stress away, they'd be a lot of fun," I offered, trying to salvage something. I snaked my arms around him and hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek.

He leaned his head onto mine and we stood staring out the back doors into the gardens. "Promise me," I whispered into his neck, "that no matter what happens today, you'll teach me about flowers one day."

"You know I can't--" his voice broke and he brushed his hand across his face. "I have no say in that."

"At least send me a book," I said, trying to keep it together myself. "There's so much left to do, and I at least want to . . ."

We stood there in silence for a few moments. The only movement was him nodding his head and putting his hands over mine. When I heard the rustle of someone walking past, I pulled my arms from around him and stood near him instead. We both stayed still, looking out the window as whoever it was walked past.

Breathing a collective sigh of relief, he offered me his arm. "I guess that means it's time to go?"

For the first time since I'd come downstairs that day, he turned to face me. "Wow," he whispered. I put my hand up to my shoulder, instinctively trying to cover what was exposed.

"You like it?" I asked, resisting the urge to look at the ground.

"You look like someone turned our flag into a very fancy dress," he let his fingers brush along my collar bone. "You're stunning."

I turned away slightly, not wanting to return the intensity of his stare. "Thanks." I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Well, let's not keep the people waiting. Time to start this party!"

"Yes, let's," he held out his arm for me to take and led me down the hallway to the doors where we would greet our guests.

* * *

We welcomed our guests as they came in, stopping to talk to each and every person as they came through the line. I had to hand it to Abigail, the people she picked were respectful, but still varied. I got questions about everything from where I went to school to where I grew up to what I liked most about Montalivet. I was thankful I'd been studying up on that last one, because I'd really only been to the airport and one town.

"I really love the rich history of your country," I answered the old woman who had asked the question. "I've always been fascinated by how a people can band together during difficult times and come out the other side stronger."

She leaned in close to me and whispered, "It will be the same for you dear," before patting my head and digging her cane out of the grass to walk away.

I looked at Clarence when I noticed he was smirking. "What?" I asked through gritted teeth, trying to keep the smile on my face.

"Nothing," he shook his head. "I liked your answer."

I couldn't help but smile back at him, wishing I could stick out my tongue instead of just relying on my eyes to tell him off.

Another group of people came through after her with far less difficult questions and discussion topics. And then another. And another.

My feet were starting to ache by the time I could see the end of the line. I sent a small glare Abigail's way as she seemed to be enjoying watching me suffer. Another time I wish I could make a face, I thought to myself. Is this how all royals feel or is it just because I'm new at it?

The last group of people we greeted was composed of two older gentlemen, who required no conversation at all before they went on their way discussing the hedges and how the grass was cut, and a young couple who couldn't be much older than we were.

"It's so nice to meet you," I said, shaking the woman's hand. "I'm Genevieve Levin."

"I know, Miss," she curtseyed while I shook her hand. "I've been dying to meet you."

"I'm flattered," I said, looking toward Clarence in hopes that he would save me, but he appeared to be engaged with her... I looked down at her hand... fiance.

"I was wondering, Miss, if you could tell me what it's like."

I know exactly what she means, but how do I answer it? I have to stall.

"What do you mean? Living at the palace?" I wracked my brain for an answer to the question I knew was coming.

"No," she shook her head. "I mean what is it like being a princess?"

Oh, that's easier than what I thought.

"I'm not a princess," I corrected. "But I do feel like I'm living like one most days. The palace is more interesting than any other place I've been and there is a lot to see and do. I'm glad to get to share it with you all today."

"Yet," she corrected me. "You aren't a princess yet."

I looked at Clarence and the smirk on his face said he heard everything he needed to hear. I tried to regain my composure enough to at least not look like a fish on camera.

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see," I said, shaking her hand again and letting her fiance drag her away from us.

When they were almost out of earshot I heard her speak to him. "I win. She's definitely for real."

I turned to Clarence, the shock surely registering on my face, and mouthed the word 'what?' to him.

"I don't know," he answered, putting his face very near to mine. "I guess we'll have to wait and see." And then he placed a kiss on my neck so gently I'm not sure anyone else saw.

He backed away and offered me his arm. "Let's get this party going, shall we?"

I nodded. "Semret, please tell Janet we are ready for the guests of honour."

"Of course, Miss." Semret curtseyed and walked back into the palace.

"Just focus on me," he reminded me as we walked. "Just like we practiced. You'll be fine."

I nodded slightly and took a deep breath, following him towards the small podium near the palace wall. I'd have to be fine. There was no other choice. 


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