13. First Date

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I waited outside the pizza place for a couple of minutes before Caleb rounded the corner. I watched as he walked over to me. He had on a pair of dark grey jeans with rips in the knees, a dark green jumper and a silver ring on his left index finger. He was wearing his leather biker jacket and his black hair was brushed back. He looked glorious. As he came to a stop in front of me, his features were illuminated by the soft glow of the lights inside the restaurant. It made his eyes seem effervescent. 

He looked over my body and let out a low whistle. "Damn," he said softly. "You look great, Ava."

"Thank," I smiled. "You don't look too bad yourself."

I was surprised when he placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me in to the restaurant. I had been there numerous times before with my parents, but I let him guide me all the same. Jack and I had never eaten in, but we'd got their take out and eaten it in the park opposite on a blanket. It had felt like a great idea at the time, but it had started raining and our pizza ended up getting a bit soggy, as did we. 

I thanked the waiter as he guided us to a table near the window. I sat down and asked for a glass of water and Caleb did the same. I took the opportunity to look around the restaurant. It was painted a deep burgundy colour with wall lights dotted around, dimly lit. It had oak floors and the wooden tables looked old, almost like antiques. It certainly had a romantic feel to it. We were sat with a perfect view of the park opposite and I couldn't help but wonder if Caleb had asked for this particular table. 

I smiled as he handed me a menu. I perused, even though I knew exactly what I wanted. "Let me guess," Caleb smiled. "You already know what you want?"

"Am I that easy to read?" I joked. 

"Only when it comes to food."

I laughed softly as the waiter came back over with our drinks. He waited patiently with his little notepad as we took a sip. "Ladies first," Caleb gestured to me. 

I nodded thoughtfully and glanced at the waiter. "Please could I have a large pepperoni pizza with extra bbq sauce? Could I also get a side of fries topped with bacon and mozzarella cheese?"

The waiter glanced down at me and nodded, seeming a little shocked at my order. I shrugged at Caleb as he smirked across the table. 

"And for you, sir?" The waiter asked. 

He glanced at the menu one more time before snapping it shut and saying, "I'll have the same."

The waiter nodded and took both our menus, before disappearing in to the kitchen. I looked over at Caleb and smiled. He caught my eye and smiled back, leaning back in his chair. There was a lit candle in the middle of the table and it flickered in his grey eyes. They were almost magnetic. I felt a little bit inferior, and I didn't know why. 

"So, is this a date?" I blurted out, shocked at my own courage. 

He paused for a moment. "Do you want it to be a date?"

Yes. "I don't know," I lied, trying to play it cool. Somehow, I knew that was already a losing battle. 

He leaned forward and put his hand on the table. "I thought you might be involved with your friend, in all honesty. There's a weird vibe between you two, you know."

"Who? Nick?" I stuttered. "Please. He's more interested in oh, anybody else."

He laughed softly and took a sip of his drink. "That's not who I meant."

"Then who?"

"Jack," he said softly, tilting his head at me.

"Jack?" I repeated, dumbfounded. Why was everyone saying that lately?! "That's crazy, he's my best friend."

My Best Friend, Jack ✓Where stories live. Discover now