His regret

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The woman whom I hated so much was also a victim in this game? Then why didn't she say anything? Because she know I wouldn't listen to her. I wouldn't pay an ounce of attention on her words....

This family is indeed outrageous, her father used her as a pawn, her mother remain silenced, her sister treat her unfairly. Why didn't I notice anything up until now? She suffered through all of this alone and I the only one who she can rely on, instead leave her in the corners to face them all alone. I remembers when she knew she was pregnant, she excitedly wrote letter to me because she know I won't spare my time to talk with her. In those letter she describes the first time she feel the baby move, the first time the baby kick, just by looking at the letters you could've guess how excited she was....

In those months I never once come home to check on her, I instead ordered servants to do what shall be done. Everything were sent without any thought or consideration, yet she still sent letters every week thanking me for the gifts. Looking back now I know I really am a heartless beast.

I'm so sorry.

The moment you fell off the stair I felt my blood run cold. I didn't expect you to run after me when you were pregnant. Despite your cruel sister, you still save her. Is there a even bigger idiot out there?

I witnessed your body roll down the stair. I tried to catch you but everything was a step too late.

Too late....

You laid still on the floor soak in your own blood, your hand still clanging around your stomach protecting the child. I softy pick you up, yell as loud as I could to call for doctor and yell at you to not close your eyes.

"Don't you dare close your eyes when our child haven't born yet! You need to see him, see his first step, hear his first word!!"

You only smile weakly at me, one hand caressing my cheek.

"You are finally looking and talking to me, I would love to talk more but I'm so tired, husband. I want to rest"

I will continue to talk with you so please, just please Don't rest yet. You can't sleep right now, I've love to talk more with you to learn more about you, I will make up for the time I've never been with you, we still have our child waiting for us to become a complete family.

"Take care of this child for me, even if you hate me please don't hate him, he's innocent"

No...I don't hate you at all.... please Don't be irresponsible and leave our child to me alone, this child need you, his mother, don't abandon him.

Your weak smile broke my heart, it's shattered into a countless piece, blood continue to pour from your body as your body grew colder and colder, your usual brilliant beautiful azure pupils turn dim and despite my pray for them to open, they still shut close......

The End of this UnrequitedWhere stories live. Discover now