My dear sister

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Trying my best to swallow the surge of painfulness and anger rise within my heart, I hoarsely asked,

"You!?? Why would you do that?? Do you know how much he hate me? because he think I've done all the work?!! " I mutter out bitterly at my dear sister. As much as I want to sound angry, I heard myself let out a hollowly soft and shaky voice.

I used to like my voice the most, as it's sound soft and pleasant to the hearing.

But, right now I hate myself for sounding so weak, so pathetic and so frail.

"Ha? Why would I do that? Isn't that obvious? We love each other, I just want to use the short-cut way. Who you would turn out to be my biggest obstacle? I drugged him then why the hell are you bedding with him??"

"I didn't!! I..... was......"

"We drugged you" my parent walk in and my dad spat out those unbelievable words. He drugged his own daughter?

"Why?! Why??!" I feel my legs goes soft.

"Does it matter? Now you are a noble wife and you are having his child, you lead a happy life, aren't you satisfy?"

"Father, Happy you say?" I laugh bitterly "yes my life is really luxurious, I can have everything I want except his heart" despite doing my best to hold off, tear starting to fall from my face. They really love their youngest daughter, aren't they?

"I don't want him to bother isalasia, my head hurt just looking at your love triangle show"

"So you push me to him, using me and him as your pawn? To protect my sister?"

"Well you see even though I try so hard to separate them, they're still together, what a tough teen"

"..........." I want to shout at him shout at all of them but I heard my sister yelling my husband name before rushing past me to catch up with him. He might have also overheard over conversation and stomp off furiously, who wouldn't if someone use you like you are their little play thing?

Despite my heavy pregnant stomach I walk off quickly trying to catch up with my sister as well.

I saw them at the top of the stair, isalasia trying to calm him down, one hand gripping his wrist. He didn't listen and swung her hand off making her lost her balance. I don't know what happen next, my body just react on their own, wanting to protect my fragile sister, I rushed to her side and pull her back toward the stair, all of sudden my feet lost their balance and I stumbled off the stair.....

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