14. "ɪ'ᴍ ᴏᴋᴀʏ."

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A trigger warning this chapter. Nothing very big, but warning.

"I wish you were dead." He cried to the witch before him.

Mrs. Mori froze her arm that was about to hit him again, clearly taken aback by his harsh words.

Because no matter how much they fought, argued, screamed, and abused each other, wishing death on the other was something that crossed the lines beyond throwing a wine glass at one's adopted child.

And as he cowered before her, tears already streaming down his cheek and throat sore from screaming earlier, he suddenly felt the urge to straighten his back and stand taller.

So he did.

As he stood before her, a red welt already forming on his cheek and his eyes red and puffy from crying, he could feel the emotions rise in his chest and the adrenaline beginning to pump through his veins.

He opened his mouth and—

Mrs. Mori slapped him so hard that he tumbled and tripped over his feet, twisting his ankle in the process. He fell to the ground, shocked.

So shocked that he couldn't feel the throbbing in his ankle and the blazing heat on his bruised cheek.

Mrs. Mori glared down at him. Her fingers clenched around the wine bottle in her right hand, and Oikawa desperately hoped that she wouldn't throw it at him.

"Why do you hate me?" He suddenly asked through tears. "I-I know I'm not a great p-person, but I'm trying- I'm trying so hard."

His whole body shook as sobs slipped through his lips despite his best efforts of keeping them silent. He cried and cried while the witch stood above him, probably still glaring at him.

"Is it because I'm not–"

"Don't say his name," warned Mrs. Mori. "Don't."

Oikawa bit his lip to hold back a whimper. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

The witch didn't say anything.

"I know you hate me. And nothing will change that. But I wish- I just wanted–"

"And you got it. You got what you wanted. A family," Mrs. Mori said, coolly.

Oikawa hung his head and blinked away the tears. They fell like raindrops to the floor. "This isn't what I wanted."

"You're really selfish, you know? How could you ask for more when you have everything already?"

There was a sharp pang in his chest as he spoke. "I just want to die."

A pause. And then—

The sound of glass shattering against hard wooden floor rang through his ears because Mrs. Mori threw the fucking wine bottle onto the ground right next to him.

He raised his arms to protect himself but he was too slow as shards of the broken bottle left little cuts on his skin. A particular wound stung and began to burn. He figured it probably cut the welt on his cheek.

"You're really fucking selfish, Tooru," lashed the witch. "You want to die? Go ahead! Kill yourself!"

He flinched at the words. "Yeah?"

Mrs. Mori angrily shook her head. She knelt down beside him and roughly grabbed his cheeks. He winced at the pain.


He nodded numbly. "Okay."

The witch let him go and stomped off to God-knows-where. He heard a door slam, and then there was silence in the house.

He stared blankly at the broken glass. It reminded him of himself.

Where to start. Where to start.

Reaching a hand out, he poked at the shards until his pointer finger began to bleed. His other fingers followed suit.

It's okay, he thought as he examined his red hand. It's okay.

Just for shits and giggles, he repeated out loud, "I'm okay."

Ah. Now that one might just show up on Iwaizumi's arm.

He laughed.



And then he scrunched up his eyebrows because why the hell was he thinking about his soulmate now? He already told himself that he's giving Iwaizumi up. There's no reason for Iwa to pop up in his mind again. Not anymore.

But he missed Iwa. He missed him. A lot.

"Iwa~" he groaned. Where are you?

"Iwa." He called again.


Except. If he strained his ears, he could hear the quiet sounds of someone crying. Sounds female, he thought.

"Iwaizumi," he tried again.


His heart dropped because even though he knows it's not realistic at all, not possible at all, he desperately wished that Iwaizumi was here. With him.

"Where are you?" He cried, tears threatening to spill again.

A loud, warm, and familiar voice answered back.


He perked up. Iwa?

"Oikawa! Where are you!"

That was definitely Iwaizumi's voice. But that's not possible.


Okay. Definitely Iwa.

He opened his mouth and croaked out a weak, "I'm here."

There was the sound of stomping feet, or maybe it was the sound of someone knocking at the door. His vision was starting to blur.


"Here," he called out again.


His eyebrows furrowed. Why can't Iwa hear him?

"I'm here," he tried again.

I'm here, Iwa-chan.

To explain a bit, Oikawa is very delusional in this chap. He's like severely out of it.

Next chap is going to be a bit longer because I will be forcing both boys to the Gala and maybe we'll get a heartfelt confession in there 👀

Anyways, I hope you're all doing okay. If not, take some love, and if you are okay, take some love too ❤️(♾)

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