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"Is this Iwaizumi?"

He sucked in a breath, hands sweating profusely while holding his phone. The voice on the other end was gruff and deep. It sounded familiar.

"Yes, yes, it is," he quickly answered. Akaashi and Bokuto crammed even closer in on him.

The two beckoned with their hands for the call to be put on speakerphone, but Iwaizumi felt like he would accidentally drop his phone if he had to shift positions. He shook his head at them.

"Iwaizumi, how are you? It's been a while," said the voice. There was a twinge of sadness in the tone.

"I-I'm fine," stammered Iwaizumi. His whole body felt like it was entering fight or flight mode although there was no present danger. He was simply answering a phone call. Still, the pounding of his heart and the foreboding feeling in his gut were shaking him to new levels.

The last time he felt this stressed was when Oikawa left him.

He wiped a sweaty palm on his pants, other hand clinging onto the phone like it was a lifeline. Why was he so anxious? Just minutes prior he was fine.

"Good, good," replied the voice.

Iwaizumi hummed in response, mentally whacking his brain to think of who was calling him right now. The voice was so familiar, yet he couldn't put a name to it.

"Is it Oikawa?" Bokuto whispered.

He shook his head, leaving both Bokuto and Akaashi with looks of disappointment.

"Are you okay?" Akaashi asked, noticing that he was sweating.

Iwaizumi waved the question off, moving away from the two. He was already trembling with anxiety, and the couple's close proximity was starting to make him feel like he was going to start choking.

"Well. I suppose I better tell you the reason of this call," sighed the voice. "I'm sorry to suddenly—"

"Sorry, who is this?" Iwaizumi blurted. His brain was coming up with nothing but blanks and the anticipation was killing him.

The voice coughed. "I'm sorry. I should've stated that earlier. I just thought you would remember me."

Remember him? Iwaizumi wondered. Is it...

"This is Mr. Mori," said the voice.

Iwaizumi gulped. Here it was. The answer to all of his questions.

"Mr. Mori, how are you?" He started, his heartbeat picking up speed. He had so many things to say. "Where are you? Are you in the States? Is everything okay? Are you coming back soon? It's been a year, and I haven't been able to contact Oikawa or you, and I know Oikawa might not want to talk to me, but I really just want to talk to him and clear some things up. You probably know this, but he left with some misunderstandings, and all I want to do is clear those up, and I think—" he gasped for a breath.

"I think if you could just give me his number or email or something, I'll take care of it. See, I really miss him, and we are soulmates so it's not like we can completely cut each other off. By the way, how is Oikawa? What's he doing right now? Is he with you? I just really want to talk to him."

Akaashi and Bokuto stared at Iwaizumi as he finished talking. Everything that Iwaizumi had just said was spoken so fast that most of the words went over the couple's heads.

Iwaizumi huffed for air as he waited impatiently for Mr. Mori's answers.

There was silence on the other end for what felt like eternity before he finally got one answer.

"What?" He whispered.

The phone that was tightly grasped in his sweaty hand finally slipped and fell to the ground with a thunk!

Iwaizumi swallowed hard. He swiftly bent down to pick it up.

After a deep inhale, he ordered Mr. Mori to keep talking.

Akaashi and Bokuto watched, confusion etched on their faces as Iwaizumi's demeanor completely changed.

As Iwaizumi continued to listen to Mr. Mori's answers, he felt his heart finally slowing pace. His once sweaty palms were now cold and clammy. His hopeful dreams were now dead.

The phone call ended a few minutes later, and right after he clicked to hang up, he slammed his phone onto the wooden floor.

The phone splintered into pieces. Akaashi and Bokuto both jumped back in shock. Neither of the two had ever seen Iwaizumi as angry as he was now.

"W-what happened?" gasped Akaashi. "What did Mr. Mori say?"

Iwaizumi stared at his broken phone before slowing raising his eyes to meet the two's. He didn't have anything to say to them besides,

"Get out." He spat.

"What?" The two said in unison.

Iwaizumi felt himself losing control of his anger, and he really didn't want to take it out on the two of them but he just—

"GET OUT!" He roared.

"Iwaizumi, you can't just kick us out without telling us anything!" yelled Akaashi. "We're your friends! What happened? Why are you so angry?"

But Iwaizumi doesn't want to tell them. He doesn't want to explain because if he had to explain then he had to accept what Mr. Mori said was true, and he can't do that.

"Leave! Just leave!" He screamed. His hands clenched into fists, and all he wanted to do was pound his anger away. He rather feel the pain of raw, broken knuckles than what he was feeling right now.

"Why're you so angry! Tell us!" Akaashi fired back. "Let us help you! Did something bad happen to Oikawa?"

At the sound of his soulmate's name, Iwaizumi lost his mind. Any sense of logic or reasoning disappeared right with it, and he threw a hard punch into the wall.

Since the wall was made out of drywall, his punch broke the surface and his hand was lodged inside of it. Dust flew off and out into the air, blowing directly into his eyes.

Iwaizumi yanked his hand out of the destruction and snapped back to Akaashi. His vision was blurred due to the dust, or maybe it was because of his tears welling up. Either way, he was blinded by anger and something else.

"HE'S DEAD! OIKAWA'S DEAD!" Iwaizumi screamed. He gasped for air, and then he collapsed to his knees, heart heavy. His anger quickly dissipated into something else, and he began to cry.

Hot tears streamed down his face as he sobbed and sobbed. There was a painful clenching in his chest, and it felt like someone was squeezing his heart with all their might, hoping to burst it. He felt nauseous, sick, disgusting.

The furious, hell-turned Iwaizumi Hajime a few seconds ago was now a broken teenage boy with nothing to prove and everything to lose.

In fact, he had already lost everything.

Akaashi and Bokuto could only stare in horror as Iwaizumi's cries filled the room. The two were frozen in place, their blood running cold as the truth slowly dawned on them.

The couple eventually joined Iwaizumi on the floor, and the three of them cried together over the loss of their friend.

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