9| Carved from stone

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Several eyes are on me as I try to lift my weights. I have no idea what I'm doing – I've never stepped foot in a gym before now – but I copy Max's movements, watching the way his back muscles arch with every rep. 

Every so often, he looks up and catches my eye. His own eyes darken, and they almost look like he's on the verge of smiling before he looks down again. It's hard to believe he and Kino are related. Kino is so quiet and wiry, with delicate features that make him look vulnerable. Max is all edges and angles, like his body and face have been carved from stone.

I try to focus on my reps. The sports bra I'm wearing is starting to itch, so I try to use my shoulder to re-adjust the straps. If I put down these weights, I'll never be able to pick them up again.

Max reaches for the towel by his feet and wipes the sweat from his face before he watches me again. My mother would have a coronary if she could see me right now. The very thought of me being in a gym, let alone surrounded by men, would send her into overdrive. It's part of the allure of this place. I'm doing something neither my friends nor my family would expect of me, and it's nice in a way; it feels like freedom. 

Max gets to his feet and puts away his weights before standing back to watch me. His arms are folded, and he looks like he wants to say something to me, but he's stopping himself. 

Finally, I break. "Don't you have something better to do than watch me?"

His jaw muscles twitch. I have a feeling whatever he's about to say must go against his better nature. "You're doing it all wrong," he says finally. His voice is deep, low, and something about it sends a shiver down my arms. "Do you want me to show you?"

I glance at the weights stretched high above my head before lowering them. "Uh, if you want to." 

He takes a step closer and, without a word, starts to move my hands into position. I'm quiet as he does it, trying not to focus on his tattooed, muscular arms. 

"Thank you," he says suddenly, and when he looks at me, I'm acutely aware of how close we are standing. "For sticking up for my brother."

I look back at him, surprised. It is the first nice thing he's ever said to me. "You're welcome."

He looks away again, tilting my arms slightly. His fingers brush my skin in the process, and I'm surprised by how soft they feel. "Keep your movements slow and steady," he says. He gently helps to lift my arm, showing me the correct form. "Keep your feet parallel with your shoulders." 

I widen my stance a little. "Like this?"

Max steps back, his eyebrows furrowed as he studies my movements. "Better," he says, and when I meet his gaze, I feel something I haven't felt in a long time; triumph. 

He moves to one of the punching bags while I finish off my set. I can't help but look at him every now and then, at the way his taut muscles arch and tense with each blow. He's got power in his hits, and I'm reminded of the way those same fists had pounded Justin's face. 

Justin. The thought of him makes my stomach curl. It's bad enough I've been cheated on, but now I'm stuck in a relationship with him or I risk losing everything. For some reason, pounding on one of those bags has never looked so good right now.

When eight p.m hits, I say goodbye to Maddie and head back down to my car. It's dark out, the streets empty and quiet except for the occasional sound of police sirens. I wrap my jacket further around my body and nervously look around. 

The sound of footsteps echoes behind me. I spin around, holding out the point of my key like it's some kind of weapon. When I finally adjust to the dark, I see Max standing behind me, looking amused. 

"Max," I breathe. "I thought–" I don't finish that sentence, so he raises an eyebrow.

"You thought what?" he asks. "That I was robbing you?"

I clear my throat. "No. Well, maybe."

"And you were going to do what exactly," he says, looking at my outstretched key. "Gouge my eye out?"

I fold my arms, squinting at him through the dark. "Why do you enjoy mocking me?"

"Because you make it too easy." He looks behind me at my little white Audi and shakes his head. "You shouldn't park that thing around here."

I glance at my car. "Will it get stolen?"

Max laughs and shoves his hands in his pockets. It's the first time I've heard it. "Probably, yeah." He moves to his truck and unlocks the door before looking up again. "Are you coming back?"

I think for a moment as I look at the gym. "Yeah," I say, looking back at him. "I am." 

He nods and opens his door, so I do the same. With one last look, I climb into the driver's seat, lock the door, and pull onto the main road.


When I finally get home, it's late. Dad's home for once, and the second I step into the hallway, the lights flicker on and both he and my mother retreat from the living room.

"Where've you been, Liss?" Dad asks. "Justin came looking for you. Said he couldn't get a hold of you earlier." 

My stomach twists. Usually, my parents don't care where I've been so long as I'm back by one, but now there's a business deal on the line, they're pulling out all of the stops. 

"I went to the gym," I say, peeling off my sneakers. "I didn't think it was such a big deal."

Mom's eyebrows furrow as she glances at Dad. "What gym is open this late? Besides, you don't need to go to the gym, Alyssa. You're perfect as it is."

I straighten up to look at them both, wondering how honest I should be. "I haven't been feeling great. I just want to try something different." 

Mom's eyes soften, because she thinks this is about Justin, and to some extent, it is. But it's also about me. "Hot Yoga is all you need to feel better. Or a facial. We can go to a spa or something if you want." 

Briefly, I close my eyes. I want to tell her that Hot Yoga isn't working. Shopping, Pilates, facials, none of them are working. There is something wrong with me. I open my eyes and force out my typical, Everything is fine, smile. "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm really tired."

I maneuver past her despite her protests and head up to my room, locking the door behind me. After showering and getting into my pajamas, I climb into bed with Lilo, my furball of a kitten who loves to sleep next to me.

I close my eyes, running my fingers back and forth along her fur. For once, I go to sleep feeling somewhat relaxed. 

For once, I feel like I can breathe.


Hey guys, who's ready for the next chapter?! ❤️

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