32| Lose control

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We spend the whole night talking, and I realize it's easy with her. There are no awkward silences or running out of stories–there's just me and her, her and me, buried beneath the covers.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask. 

"Of course."

I continue drawing patterns on her arm. I have no idea why, but there's something about her that makes me want to spill my guts, to tell her things I'd never dream of telling anyone. She makes me feel vulnerable in a way no one else does, like maybe I can tell her anything. "I'm thinking about quitting boxing." 

She looks surprised. "Really? Why?"

I shrug like I don't have an answer, but I do. The truth is, the reason I hung onto boxing for so long is that it reminded me of my father. It was the one thing–the only thing–we had in common or could bond over. But then he left, and that reason for liking boxing left with him–I just hadn't realized it. 

"After my coach died, my heart wasn't in it anymore," I say. "Maybe it was never really in it, I don't know. My dad was so proud of me when I first got into boxing, that it's like I've been chasing that feeling."

"Then why don't you quit?" she asks. 

She makes it sound so easy, but when you've built up your whole persona on being the guy who boxes, it's not that easy to just quit. "I've been telling my family for the last three years that I'm going to make it someday," I admit. "How can I just quit?"

"You will make it someday," she says. "Just not in boxing if that's not what you want." 

I look at her, and I still can't believe it. How someone like her could want to spend time with someone like me. I'm used to the girls in Riverly turning up their noses, or looking at me like I'll never be anything, but Alyssa has never once looked at me like that.

I gently kiss her neck and say, "You're too nice, you know that?"

She laughs and runs a hand through my hair. "I don't think I've ever been accused of being too nice." 

"You are," I say. 

She looks away, her smile fading. "Max." 

I'm still kissing her neck when I say, "What?"

She looks up. "I'm not nice, okay?"

"Fine, you're not nice." 

This forces her to smile, and she kisses me back. It's a teasing kiss, the kind that drives me to the brink of insanity, and I can't keep my hands off her.

She gently runs her tongue along my lips. I groan and flip us until she's on top of me. She rests both hands on my chest before arching her back, and I slip my hands beneath her top. Her skin feels soft, hot, and she leans forward a little until I'm cupping her breasts. 

My stomach rips with heat. She leans down to kiss me, starting with my lips and chin before moving down my neck. Everywhere hardens, and I move a hand between her legs, slipping into her yoga pants. My fingers skim her underwear the same time she lifts up my t-shirt. I close my eyes as she kisses my chest, then slip my fingers inside her. 

We both inhale. Shit, she feels good. I flip us until I'm lying on top of her, those dark eyes staring up at me. She hooks a hand around my neck and draws me back into her. 

My fingers caress her, starting off slow before picking up pace. Her hands bunch my t-shirt, keeping me close to her chest. I smile and kiss the skin behind her ear, forcing her to shiver. I want more of her.

I want everything.

She moans a little and arches against my fingers. I bury my face into the side of her neck, letting out a rough breath. My nerves are on fire, every fiber in my body pulsating, like I'm about to lose control. I'm not exactly a novice with women, but it's different when it's someone you like. It's like the first time all over again. 

She gently slips her hand into my sweatpants. Her hand wraps around me, soft and warm, before she strokes me in her palm. Her rhythm matches mine, fast and desperate. I feel like I'm going to explode. 

"Max." Her words come out muffled, and my name in her mouth sets my stomach on fire; I can't get enough.

I keep my eyes open to focus on her lips. Every muscle in my body is tense, waiting for that sweet relief. I can tell she's close, too, so my fingers keep caressing until I'm ready to burst, and then we both let out a shiver. 

For about a minute or so, we lie still against each other, still breathing heavily. I'm stroking her hair, desperate to touch her, while she gently strokes my chest. 

Her phone starts ringing off the hook. She sighs and pulls it from her bag, letting the call ring out. 'It's my mom," she says.

"You should answer," I say. "Let her know you're somewhere safe." 

She nods, and I go to take a shower while she talks to her mom. I stand under the water for a few minutes, still feeling dazed. It's like I can't think straight whenever I'm around her, but the second I step back, common sense kicks in.


The walls are thin, so I hear Alyssa arguing with her mom over the sound of the shower. I use some of the shower gel, then change into the spare clothes I'd brought with me.

When I'm finished, Alyssa is sat in bed with her chin to her knees, staring at the wall. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She looks at my change of clothes and says, "Hey, you came prepared. Why didn't I think of that?"

I grin. "I thought of it for you. I have a spare t-shirt and boxers in my bag if you want to shower." I pause and, in case it isn't obvious, add, "They're clean." 

She smiles and gets to her feet before kissing me. "I gathered. I'll be out in a few minutes."

She heads into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. I climb into bed and wait while a few minutes turns into forty. When she finally comes out, her hair is dripping wet and she smells like strawberry Shower Gel. 

"You realize there's probably no more hot water left in Petersville, right?" I say. 

She climbs into bed next to me, resting her head against my chest. "Was I long? I thought I'd been quick."

I grin and wrap my arms around her. "Are you telling me your showers are usually longer than that?"

"I have a lot of hair." Her eyes widen. "On my head, that is." 

I laugh into her neck, because she's just too damn cute, and we spend the next few minutes just holding each other. I've never been the type to cuddle–I get hot too easily–but with her, I don't mind.

"Are you seeing anyone else?" she asks.

I tense. "No, are you?"

"No. I just know some people like to see multiple people at the same time." 

"Not me," I say, and I like the relief that crosses her face. "You should get some sleep." 

She nods before turning in my arms. I pull her in close until she's pressed against my chest, then rest my chin on her shoulder. I think maybe it'll be the best damn sleep I've ever had, but it's not.

Alyssa snores.


Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Hands up if you're ready for some drama ✋🏼👀

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