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BONFIRE PARTIES WERE A SUMMER STAPLE IN SHELLSIDE BAY. You weren't a local if you didn't attend at least five over the break – and end up smashed, half naked in the water at four in the morning.

Well, that was one thing I wouldn't be doing today. Not if Tom Buckner had anything to do with it. Although, it might save time walking to work if I just passed out on the beach instead of walking home.

"Not much of a party."

I turned to face Everett as we slowly approached the beach. He was right. A group of teenagers danced and laughed and drank – not more than thirty kids, really. A huge bonfire sat in the middle, music pumping from a nearby Bluetooth speaker.

"It's a small town," I shrugged. "What did you expect?"

"Man, you should've seen the parties we had back in New York," Everett mused. I turned to see him grinning widely, his eyes far away in memory. His lips twitched as if he remembered some specific party he'd attended, and he exhaled sharply through his nose. "They were... insane."

"I can imagine," I smiled back. He faced me and slowly his smile fell. He swallowed thickly, shrugging and turning back to the beach.

"Yeah," he muttered, instantly in a sour mood. I quirked a brow at him, itching to push him further, but instead deciding to leave it. Clearly, he didn't want to talk about it, no matter how curious I was.

"Anyway," I said quickly, changing the topic before the atmosphere grew too tense. "I'm sure some tourists will join in later as it starts to pick up."

We stepped onto the sand, quickly joining the party. I scanned the crowds, looking for the boys. Most of the people here were kids from school, but I wasn't friends with them. Not really.

Sky and I tended to stick to ourselves – occasionally hanging out with Austin, River and Connor when we felt like it. The boys were like magnets – people were attracted to them and stuck around them constantly. It was exhausting.


I jumped, spinning to find Connor and River grinning at me, an inch from my face. I staggered back, my eyes wide, and Connor began howling in laughter at my reaction.

"You idiot," I scolded, whacking Connor's chest and River's head.

River rolled his eyes, reaching out to hand me a beer. "Peace offering?"

"Hmm," I hummed, smiling sarcastically and taking the bottle. "I'll consider it."

"Everett, man," Connor grinned, tossing an arm around his shoulders and leading us further towards the fire. "Glad you came. Charlotte's been looking everywhere for you."

I raised a brow and Connor sent him a wink, nodding in Charlotte's direction. We all turned to see her in a bikini, waving excitedly at us – or more accurately, at Everett.

"Oh," Everett said, his eyes widening. He turned to us and I noticed his cheeks had tinted pink. "Well, I'll umm... I'll see you guys then."

With a curt nod, he turned, bee lining towards Charlotte. I rolled my eyes as she squealed loudly, pulling him into a tight hug – a blatant excuse to press her chest against his. I snorted, taking a swig of my beer and turning back.

"So, I guess it's just the Nauti Buoys tonight then," I teased, winking at the others. I furrowed my brow, pausing. "Speaking of which, where's Austin?"

River and Connor exchanged a smirk before turning back to face me.

"Take one guess," Connor said, his smile wide and deliberate.

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