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I CROSSED MY ARMS, stomping out of my house and down the porch steps. It was dark, my mum was still asleep, but I had work.

And worse, I'd have to see Everett again.

It had been a mission to get out of bed, but it was a saving grace that at least I'd see Austin today.

My bag had been slung over one shoulder while I held my baby blue surfboard tucked under my arm. We'd planned to go surfing after work today since I'd be finishing early – Wednesdays were always slow – so Austin would be picking me and my board up.

As if on cue, a red Jeep rumbled to a stop in front of me. He beeped twice, waving his head out the window.

"Isla!" Austin called, his grin wide and his brown hair flopping in the wind.

I smiled, immediately feeling better.

"Hey!" I shouted back, jogging towards him. I pushed my surfboard onto the roof alongside his own and strapped it in before rounding the car and sliding into the passenger seat.

"Morning, Isla," he said, reaching over to ruffle my curls. I laughed, shoving his hand away and mussing his own hair up.

"How do you like it?" I teased, my fingers running through his waves.

He smiled, staring up at me with his honey brown eyes and long lashes. "Feels good."

My heart skipped a beat and I felt my cheeks warm. Quickly, I whipped my hand away and turned to face forward.

"God, you're such a puppy."

"I take that as a compliment," he smiled, starting the engine and beginning the bumpy drive to the beach.

I sat back in the seat, watching as the sky slowly lightened and turned more blue, trying to ignore how close Austin's hand rested to my thigh, how fast my heart was racing in my chest.

I would never get used to him.

We rumbled over the hill, slowing to a stop outside the Clemente House where Everett stood, a cigarette lit in his mouth. Austin leaned out the window, waving a hand.

"Hey, Connolly!" he shouted. "Get in!"

Everett furrowed his brow, narrowing his eyes at the car. I leaned forward and his eyes landed on me, widening in realisation. Slowly, he put out his cigarette and walked over to the car.

"In the back, Everett," I said drily.

He rolled his eyes, pulling the door open and sliding into the middle of the backseat.

"Isla," he greeted curtly with a nod. "Austin."

"Hey bro," Austin grinned, reaching a hand towards him. Everett ignored it.

I scrunched my nose at him. "You stink like poison sticks."

He ignored that too. We drove in awkward silence for a minute before Austin spoke up again.

"So, Everett, you comin' surfing with us today?"

Everett sent an icy look to me, quirking a brow. "I wasn't aware you were going surfing today."

"Well, you ran away before I had the chance to tell you," I shot back.

His lips twitched in a smirk, his eyes lighting up, but he stayed silent.

"Have you ever surfed before?" Austin asked, his eyes trained on the road, oblivious to our mini argument.

"Nah," Everett shrugged. "Not much of a surfing scene in New York."

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