Chapter 12 - Hospital Stays

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So... this chapter happened...
I don't know if I should put a trigger warning for this chapter, but just in case,

Trigger warning:
Mentions of torture.

Aizawa and Hizashi both slept in Kakashi's hospital room; there was a bed and a couch. Kakashi had moments when he would try to move in his sleep, but due to the casts covering a large portion of his body, he couldn't. Sometimes he would be fine with this, and other times he would panic, meaning someone had to be awake to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

This time Kakashi opened his eye completely (he'd covered the other one).

"Kakashi?" It was about 7am, and Hizashi was awake.

Kakashi blinked a few times before his face contorted with confusion. "Minato? What are you doing here?"

Hizashi bit his lip and closed his eyes. "Sleep Kakashi, you're tired."

Kakashi shook his head slightly. "No, if I sleep you'll die again, Minato."

"Okay Kakashi." Hizashi said, "But lie down, you shouldn't be sitting up yet." As soon as Kakashi lay down, he was asleep again.

The next morning when Kakashi woke up, he remembered nothing from the night before, or if he did, he decided not to say anything.

Aizawa gave him the package and helped Kakashi open it. Inside, there were souvenirs from Korea and two post cards.

"Who's this from?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh, a... friend." Kakashi said slowly, seemingly testing the words on his tongue.

A doctor and a police officer entered the room a few minutes later and sat in front of Kakashi.

"Hi Hatake. I'm detective Takehara." The man smiled. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you just answer them to the best of your ability. If you can't answer, then just say so, and we'll move on. You can take a break at any time."

Kakashi nodded.

"Okay. Please retell the events of your fight with All for One."

"The fight wasn't long, All for One is stronger than me. He has multiple Quirks, but doesn't do too well with hand to hand combat." Kakashi paused, then started again. "He teleported both of us somewhere underground where the fight took place, I ripped off his arm and he threw me into the ceiling." Kakashi knew that he wasn't really making a lot of sense, but he didn't really know how else to put it.

"What happened after that?" Takehara asked.

"He took me to the League's hideout."

"The bar?" He wondered, writing something in his notebook.

"A spare room." Kakashi supplied.

"Did they do anything after that?"


Takehara looked up as if to say well, what was it?

Kakashi's ANBU voice was whispering something unintelligible in the back of his mind.

"Haven't you read the file?" Kakashi asked.

"I want to hear it from you, we need to make sure everything lines up so we can catch them." Takehara said gently.

"Do you even know where they are right now?" Kakashi retorted. He knew he was being childish, but he figured he had the right to be in this situation.

"We don't, but your statement could-"

"What is it that you want me to say exactly? What they did when they kept me down there? If they asked me to join? If I'm going to?" Kakashi sensed Aizawa stiffen.

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